Looking to visit a town with Shampoodle!


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2012
Small Mailbox
100% (1) +
i need to change my mayor's hairstyle! (i have a character and stuffs planned out for her so it's a little weird not seeing her with white hair)
my friend code is: 2680-9638-1645
I'd let ya in but I'm shaking my 3ds apart for peach's parasol atm :c
awh, but froggy above looks like he's gonna help me so it's all good!
(good luck with the peach's parasol!)
ugh, i'm getting the error code 018-0512
i'll restart my 3DS and see if that works

edit: it didn't work :/
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Would I possibly be able to visit your Shampoodles too, Froggy? That is, if you don't mind? ^ ^
Don't mean to be rude, but is it okay if you add me Froggy (or anyone else too :) ), so I could visit at some point? :)
Hi! A lots of guys have asked you the same, so here we go again. We?re two girls that would love to come and visit your town, we just got the game yesterday and would like to see schampoodle, trade some fruits and just getting to know other animal crossing players. :) Could we come for a visit?
Froggy, i somehow already have you on my friendslist. Message me when you have opened your gates :)