Looking to visit? Anyone's Retail paying premium perfect apples?

My Retail is paying premium for persimmons, but you are still welcome to come over.
I would really appreciate it if you would check your own shops for some flashy clothes - I have Gracie over today and I would pay you for helping me out as well. :)
Can I come too or is it too late?

If you'd like to come over, that is fine as well. Let me add you.
I would ask that you'd also check your shops for flashy clothes before you come? I'll pay you too. :)
You can come too, Kayla. I'll add you.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Gates are gonna be closed for a few minutes while I add you both. ^^
I'm looking at a guide and it says the bad bro stache is flashy so I will bring that but I'll look for other stuff first
Crud we lost connection!! I'll open my gate back up again.
I'm not sure. But thank you everyone for the help! :)