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He is so nice. I hope someone gives him a happy home. :)

Me too he's so cute! He was in my cycle town and i wanted to cycle someone out tonight so its kind of sad this cutie had to go but still :p
uppity i know i only put it up a short while ago but if i don't get someone to take him soon he will be voided
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Let me see if I have room. I think I can take him. I like him a lot.

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uppity i know i only put it up a short while ago but if i don't get someone to take him soon he will be voided

Yeah, I can take him if you still have him. I wanted him in my other village, but I think he'll fit well in this one, too. Just let me know
Let me see if I have room. I think I can take him. I like him a lot.

oh that sounds good ! :) i really want to get him a home but i can't hold him for long because i have to go to bed in a while :(
I've got a spot. I'll add you and come get him now, if that works.
I'm ready whenever your gates are open. <3

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It'll be Q from TARDIS. Serenity is my second town.

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You're not showing up. I need to check in on my cycling thread. I'll check back or you can leave me a visitor message/PM when you're ready. <3
No worries. On my way.

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I've been looking for Lopez for a bit, so I'm glad to take him in. ^_^ Thanks again!
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