Giveaway Lopez the Smug Deer needs a good, new home! LF>Wolfgang


fragrant orange
Aug 6, 2014
October Birthstone (Opal)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
100% (40) +
He was one of my dreamies that I put to sacrifice for cycling, and like his previous mayor, I want to give him to a good home as well. Please, no in-game bells, as I'm rather tired of the transfer... xD I'm looking to either trade him for Wolfgang or TBT so I may purchase another Wolfgang for TBT. c:

Edit: I am full with 10, and so if a trade is in order you will have to pick up first. c8

**If anyone needs Lopez as a dreamie, you can have him for free. c:
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If you are accepting TBT, how much will you accept?
He's not very high tier as I can remember, and I'm thinking 60 TBT if that's okay. c: I really don't want to void him qq
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Sorry I poofed! D:

I am interested in buying him, but I wont be home for another 30 minutes or so. Could you hold onto him for me please?
Oh, I poofed myself as I fell back asleep. qq Don't sweat it guys, I appreciate the interest QQ