Lucky red envelope, Lunar New Year decoration, and Bokjumeoni lucky pouch are available!


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Mar 21, 2016
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Just posting that since I haven't really seen anyone talking about em :p
The lucky red envelope and Bokjumeoni lucky pouch are like gift wrap but special. You can store money inside of them, these would be great for giveaways.
Fun but you cant place em like furniture.
The Lunar New Year decoration is wall furniture that can also be placed on your door!
ooohh I didn't know that! These will be great for giveaways and gifts while trading! yay
Thank you for the heads up! I completely forgot these were part of the update.
Oh yay! Thank you making a post about it 🥰💕 I don’t check the Nook shopping app enough, much less the limited release items!
thank you for the heads up! found out they were available when a friend sent one over my way (thank you, @Rairu!) and have since snagged one of each for myself! :)
Thanks for the heads up! I haven't checked the shopping app lately because I assumed it would still be only the Valentine items.
Oh thank you ! I wasn't sure what purpose the envelope and the pouch had. They definitely didn't look like furniture. I wish they could be hold and you could just walk around with them but that doesn't make sense
thank you! I always forget to check the seasonal section so I rely on threads like these/twitter posts to actually remember lol
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I just found out these were now available thanks to a friend sending a few to me (Thank you much @Roxxy !) in the mail. Definently would forget if not for friends giftbombing me and threads like these. 😅

So thank you for the reminders lately!
Ahh it's so neat that the Red envelope and the Bokjumeoni pouch can wrap money like the real life tradition. The latter also looks great while "dropped" so it can be used as furniture/decoration.
Ooh, I saw these yesterday and ordered them both, but didn’t know what we could use them for! So cute you can put things inside of them. :)
Ah it's a shame they can't be placed or anything! I ordered them all yesterday anyway. I'm glad they released some items for the Lunar New Year!
These are awesome and super creative! We haven’t had an item quite like these yet. It’s a shame we can’t decorate with them, though.
Oh, that's useful to know about the pouch! I figured the red envelope out because I had 10,000 in my pockets from a balloon I shot down yesterday. Was a bit gutted that the envelope disappeared after I opened it again but it was super nice. It's also nice seeing the pouches. I play a Korean character on a game and one of the poses she has is her holding a pouch, so it's super cool to see the meaning behind them and the history of them :D