Trading Lucky, the lazy dog/mummy! not in boxes yet but I'm cycling


Liar and a thief
Oct 10, 2013
100% (5) +


I love this little guy and would definitely keep him for myself if I had the space for it. :)
So, if anyone has any of the villagers I'm still looking for (see my signature), I'll gladly trade you. Since I don't have a snooty villager right now I'd prefer Pecan.

Other offers are also welcome.

I expect him to go into boxes soon as I cycle my villagers.
I can give you Goldie from my cycling town <3

*I can cycle for Pecan as well. Someone I know just wants/needs a Villager by today and they'd prefer Lucky >.>
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I can give you Goldie from my cycling town <3

*I can cycle for Pecan as well. Someone I know just wants/needs a Villager by today and they'd prefer Lucky >.>

I'd actually prefer Pecan... I'm thinking of just forgoing Goldie and keeping Nana (also a Normal villager) because her house is in just the most perfect position. Who's the other person you mentioned? I don't have 'im in boxes yet but if they need him today I can do some more cycling until he leaves. (The ONLY exception is if Muffy decides to move before him, in which case it's going to have to be delayed, since someone else already has dibs on her.)

Are you looking for any DLC for Lucky?!

I googled "DLC" because I didn't know what it means, but I guess it's rare items and such? Probably not...I'd prefer a villager :)
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I'd actually prefer Pecan... I'm thinking of just forgoing Goldie and keeping Nana (also a Normal villager) because her house is in just the most perfect position. Who's the other person you mentioned?

Okay :) Was just checking~ I'll just cycle for Lucky in my town, lol. It's just not happening fast enough.
Anybody still interested? Offer still stands.
If nobody can offer me one of my favorite villagers (right now I'm guessing just Pecan or Marshal, since I just don't have much room for anyone else anymore) then I can just pick anyone randomly and give Lucky for free, since I don't necessarily need a ton of bells.
I'd love Lucky :) If you're giving him out that is! Thanks for doing this
; o; what's current bid? i hope gamzee could get him!
; o; what's current bid? i hope gamzee could get him!

I could put something in with Ameer also. I know Gamzee been looking for Lucky for a long time... I don't have villagers but can see if I can add anything to the pot. :D
Ahh I'd love Lucky but I know gamzee has been searching for him for awhile so I'll sit back...unless gamzee backs out haha, then I'd definitely like him! :3
In absence of a villager trade I'll just flip a coin between anyone who expresses interest :)
That seems the most fair...
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I'd really love Lucky, I think I've been looking for a month now.. everytime someone offers to trade/give him to me they either back-out or our time zones get in the way. Although my town is full at the moment, I'm holding Lady Scion's dreamie, I'm sure I can find someone to hold him for me if I was given the opportunity to win Lucky. (ToT)
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I'll back out in favor of gamzee. I can find another Lucky.

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Good luck to everyone, though!