Mabel is visiting my town + throwback gothic mirror

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The Virtuoso
Oct 7, 2017
100% (64) +
If anyone would like to visit Mabel and buy some clothes PM me and I'll send a dodo code! I don't need anything in return but if anyone has any spare oranges/pears/cherries I'd love one of them!

Currently she is selling:
  • Colourful striped sweater
  • Denim jacket
  • Cuffed pants
  • Cut-pleather skirt
  • Loose fall dress
  • Headkerchief
  • Sporty shades
  • Tube socks
  • Shower sandals

My nooks also has a fairy-tale umbrella, tambourine and throwback gothic mirror. You're welcome to visit there too, but please don't take any flowers or things on the ground. I am still trying to get my island in order :lemon:

EDIT: Only doing one person at a time from here on out. Check page 4 for my list of who's going next and the status. Sorry for the trouble. Be prepared for 15+ min wait.
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I've sent the next 3 PM's, everyone will get a chance to visit :)
Sending codes to niko2, rosebaygal and ravulin!
I'd love to come, and i actually have 2 full grown cherry trees im trying to get rid of in my pocket...if you bff me for like 2seconds i can throw them down and you can dig back them back up and place them anywhere you'd like
hi! are you still available for visitors?

Yes I am! Just going down the list of posts here and sending codes 3 at a time to avoid too much loading time. Everyone who has posted here will get to come, don't worry! Just make you're on to see my PM. 2 of the last people have yet to come but if they don't arrive I will move to the next 3 people
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alternatively, i could also just bring some cherries...just pm and let me know what you want to do! ^_^
Sent codes to maplecheek, seble and hikari! And thanks to all who have visited so far! I will PM you when the time comes karleraven :)

17:10 edit: Codes sent to ems, karleraven and ajxa!
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