making a swotch account


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Jul 29, 2020
Tasty Cake
Yellow Star Fragment
Tasty Cake
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i need to make a new nintendo account for my swotch lite (that hasn't arrived yet) and i was wondering about like the process

what i mean is, would it affect anything if i created a nintendo account today and then linked it to the switch a few days later or would it be best if i just mashed switch setup and account creation at the same time? would it be less stressful to create the nintendo account now and link it later because that's what I thought....
does anyone know?

Thanks <3
Do you have an account linked to another switch (if you share a switch)? If so, you can link up that account to your lite and it won’t change anything.
Do you have an account linked to another switch (if you share a switch)? If so, you can link up that account to your lite and it won’t change anything.
oh i have to make a new one because my brother decided it'd be hilarious to use -my- switch account for fortnite since he doesn't have his own switch account : P so if i used the account i currently use then 1. i wouldn't be able to play on my switch while he's playing fortnite (which would defeat the purpose), 2. it'd be hard to play offline because if i transported my games from the old switch i -think- it will always make you check if the software can be played (since 1 switch acc can't be playing 2 games on 2 diff switches at the same time) and the software checks require internet connection 3. my brother would be pretty depressed w/o his stupid fortnite stuff and hey he's a little kid what can i say ;-;
and not to mention there's no savedata transports for acnh yet >:C it'd prob be just better to make the new account and waste an extra 50 bucks for the new island

so yeah lol