Mama kitty is in my town and my gates are open


Senior Member
Dec 15, 2008
For once I don't have Kattie looming around filling my town with tears!! Her mother is instead walking around (no tears) with some odd spatula. Anyways, I'm going to be opening my gate up for the person who has Kattie.

lol. They'll close however around 10 a.m. I have school. They'll be re-opened when I get home around 4 p.m.-ish though because that's when I get home (30 minute drive from school to home -.-).

So yeah. If anyone wants to come over however (right now), they may do so.

=^^= Nya
You're added. Come on over.

Right now I've got a lot of stuff on the ground (especially around my house). Please take NOTHING.


=^^= Nya
My gates are now closed for right now. I'm at another town for a little bit, then I head to school. I'm opening them back up when I get home from my Life Drawing class.

=^^= Nya
No problem!

Anyways, I'm re-opening my town gates in a little bit. My class was canceled due to horrendous weather (10 inches of snow and it aint stopping).

God I hope this doesn't affect the con...

=^^= Nya