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Manly P. Hall's philosophy of life


The Truter Brucer
Jun 26, 2015
Throwback Tickets
In the tour philosophy of life originates in a natural thoughtfulness. To live without thinking is to fail, in the proper use of the powers and faculties with which we have been endowed to think without applying our thoughts to the conduct of our affairs.
Is to substitute near intellectualism for intelligence it is seldom possible to perfect a personal philosophy without study through which we become familiar with the deepest and noblest convictions of mankind. We must also call upon daily experience by which we can convince ourselves of the reality and integrity of certain basic principles ever present and forever true beyond both study and experience. Are the internal faculties of the soul and these must be stole final certitude upon our convictions if therefore; we live simply and wisely seeking first the improvement of our inner lives. Reserving an open heart and mind we shall be guided and directed
according to our needs and understanding each person must discover his own
philosophy of life and it is not fair or right to impose our codes upon others. It
is also our responsibility however to share one with another such experiences
as may have common value we desire, therefore not to convert or to convince but to invite such a sharing with the sincere hope that some mutual good will be accomplished. My life has been devoted to the consideration of those essential
doctrines which have most advanced the human state, yet it would not be entirely
fair to say that I have borrowed my convictions from antiquity or addicted
myself to the word or thoughts of the famous, or the illustrious I have chosen rather a course. Tempered by observation and experience and mellowed by reflection weighing all things. I have chosen to cling to that which was good for me and most
serviceable for those who have sought my help and guidance from my search for the
good and the necessary I have come to the following convictions I believe in one supreme and absolute power at the source of life. The cause of all living and that this ineffable principle, may justly and truthfully be named the one and the good whether men call this universal divinity God or Allah or Brahma or Dao is of no great concern. For such terms and titles reveal differences of language but not divergence of ideas,
human kind has come to know this sovereign good through the seeking of their mind and the longings of their heart it seems to me however that believing in good and in a God everywhere existing and forever the source of wisdom justice truth and love we must in the end come to the realization; that all the workings of this creative power are necessary beautiful and virtuous. The universe in which we live is one of the innumerable manifestations of the Divine Will. The world therefore must be essentially good for it is not conceivable that a principle shall create contrary to its own nature. If then there shall appear to be injustice inequality and calamity in
the world they must originate not in the divine understanding, but inhuman misunderstanding if it is not given to us to know all things and to solve all mysteries we must speak through faith hope and charity; for the beautiful and the good the will of the eternal power is revealed to us through the laws governing the formation
generation growth. Unfoldment and improvement of created things through reflection, we may experience the realities of these laws and discover them to be both wise and kind; we venerate eternal principles through obedience and through a cheerful acceptance of the lessons of daily living the end of all learning the fruits of all labors and endeavors and the consummation of the deepest and most devout instincts and intuitions of our souls are that we shall come to honor and obey the rules of the vast plan of which we are the conscious and separate parts, all arts, sciences, philosophies, religions, crafts and trades can enrich our inward lives to the degree that we realize that through them the sovereign laws of existence are variously revealed and manifested for our advancement and enlightenment I believe that human consciousness is a being separate from the body which it inhabits and that this consciousness existed prior to embodiment and will survive the dissolution of its physical form. I am convinced of this not only by the authority of religion and philosophy but also by a natural sense within myself. This belief is reasonably sustained by the circumstances of living it is difficult to rationally maintain that
man is born suffers and dies without reason or purpose; nor is it conceivable
that experience knowledge and understanding which are obviously and undeniably the richer fruits of living should cease and be utterly dissolved by the phenomenon of death neither can I accept the doctrine of an eternal judgment. With everlasting rewards and punishments meted out at the end of one frail an imperfect span of years in this world in the economy of nature and in the benevolence of an abiding providence all creatures possessing within them the life of the Creator; must have an eternal continuance of themselves or in universal being. Life as we know it must therefore be an episode in a larger existence for this and other reasons I believe in the doctrine of rebirth as a pattern of life. Most honorable for man most suitable to things known and seen and best calculated to reveal the eternal goodness of the sovereign being. I am willing to accept the challenge of growth to believe that I have lived before and will live again my present state is the sum of my previous existences and I am endowed with the powers and potentials of improvement by
which I may advance my destiny. According to my deserts and merits I seek neither
to be forgiven for my mistakes nor applauded for my attainment; but take my refuge in a law of eternal good which gives me the right to work out my salvation with diligence I do not believe in a principle of evil for I cannot reconcile such a doctrine with the eternal good. Which rules the universe with an absolute power yet I must explain to the satisfaction of my own conscience, those appearances of evil which surround me by experience and observation I have satisfied myself that evil is another name for ignorance. Through ignorance mankind becomes selfish critical and destructive and from these abuses and misuses of his divine and natural resources he causes corruption and discord in the way of life which is fashioned the man violates natural law or disobeys the code of his own kind he brings upon himself certain retribution. Which appear to him to be unreasonable punishment in the broad pattern of mortal existence this cord reveals the need for Concord selfishness the need for unselfishness; cruelty the need for kindness and ignorance the need for the
tireless search after truth and beauty. Thus what we call evil is a servant of good for it causes us in the end to depart from error and cling to reality; I believe in the inalienable right of every man and woman to worship his God and to seek truth. According to the instincts and inclinations of our own heart and mind; careful study has convinced theme that all the great religions of the world past and present
teach the same essential code. Of that they all believe in the existence of a sovereign power or being they teach in one way or another the immortality of the soul and they affirm the ultimate victory of good over evil light over darkness truth over era it seems to me that as the earth has many climates; suitable for the development of living creatures. So faith may have many names but named or nameless comforts and
inspires those of sincere spirit who seek the consolation of devout belief I would therefore never seek to convert a man from his faith or to another, but rather would help him in any way that I can to find the richness and fullness of his own religion. In time he will realize that as one light can be manifested through many colors so one truth can be sought and found through the several colors of sincere believing it may
happen however the different religions have advanced and specialized certain parts tenets and doctrines of the one and eternal religion. Therefore it seems to me that through the study of comparative religion we come nearer to the complete truth which is the one and eternal faith conflict between beliefs therefore confuses and obscures man's natural instinct, to worship the supreme good for the same reason. I believe that all races and creatures are parts of one plan and should not be regarded; as in any way separate or distinct from that plan all men regardless of their races
or nations their colors or conditions share one life exist in one world and are the children of one creating power. Therefore I shall measure a man not by his complexion but by his works and will decline to hold any attitude which disparages him, because of circumstances arising from birth or social estate I am assured by
my own conscience that if I cannot find the good in myself and in my fellow man.
I shall in no way discover it in space or beyond the stars I sincerely believe that I have been endowed with faculties powers and perceptions for the use of which I am morally responsible it is my duty to myself, to my world and through the eternal power by and in which I exist. To govern my temper subdue my appetites refine my emotions inform my mind and increase my understanding failure. To advance these causes, must leave me a victim to my own intemperance is and expose me to the just censure of my associates. Because I am a conscious being and not required to follow the immediate instincts and impulses of my disposition; I can be kind, just gentle, forgiving, compassionate and self-sacrificing even under the most trying and difficult circumstances both by observation and experience and by the testimony of the ages.