if some of you aren't aware, many schools/students across america are participating in a school walkout at 10am tomorrow, exactly one month after the MSD high school shooting. it is 17 minutes long, and it is to both honor the victims and stand up for our safety and rights (as well as tighter gun laws, for many).
my school's participating, and i've been helping organize and plan our walkout. is anyone else in high school or college in the us participating in this?
My school isn't going to participate in tomorrow's walk-out, however they will participate in the state-wide teacher walk-out on April 2nd. They're doing this for better teacher wages, since our state does a terrible job at paying the teachers sufficiently.
Good luck with the walk-out, though! I'm really hoping some strict gun laws will be enforced after this.
The schools in my area are on spring break so really there isn't much of a point in doing this as far as "making a stance" because they are already off from school for the week. It'd be a good event for support even then but I feel like it would be more effective if school were open that day, and students/staff walked out to have a voice. But yeah like allainah said, I pay to go to class once a week so I wouldn't skip! Anywho, I won't participate in it as I don't have class but my support will be with those who do state and country wide! ^.^
i helped spread the word around school ^^ the school is supportive of it although they have set some restrictions. but we get an excused absence and get to talk to media and protest properly