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Marijuana Discussion

It's incredibly difficult for me to get the narcotics I need for pain management because of the ridiculous hurdles the US War on Drugs puts in place that hinders actual pain patients. I'm all for legalization, considering it might provide people like me a more accessible alternative to pain relief when the system fails us.
Where I live, possession of less than 100grams, giving 20grams or less of Marijuana to a person, or growing less than 100grams of Marijuana are each titled as "Minor Misdemeanors", which the maximum fine is $150. It's not big enough to were you're sent to jail, but you can get your drivers license taken away for 6 months to 5 years.
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i have never tried it and probs wont b/cos jesus

but it should be legal
Hells yeah it should be legal. And if the government taxed it, they would have to complain people are using it. It also has been proven tht it can be used for medical reasons, anyone in California can get a medical marijuana license 'prescribed' be a doctor and obtain it anyway, why not the rest of the states?
I LOVE IT. It makes everything so much better and makes me feel like a kid again. I feel so sorry for people who're ignorant about it... "When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself" - Bob Marley. Sockhead, come to California and lets get toasty ;)
Glad to see everyone has their head on their shoulders lol. If alcohol and cigarettes, among other drugs are legal, then pot DEFINITELY should be! I'm libertarian of course, so I know prohibiting causes a H*LL of a lot more problems than it does solves! I've used MJ in the past but just can't anymore 'cause I'm one of the unfortunate few b*stards who gets anxiety from it(paradoxical effect). All ofr MJ legalization though, naturally!:D
Make marijuana legal! How many marijuana related deaths do you hear about in a month? NONE! I don't really see marijuana as a drug nevertheless as something harmful. Im not promoting the use of it, but I am saying if you are curious about it and want to try it do so at your own discretion.
To be honest, why do I care?
I will never drink alcohol, smoke or do drugs, but I couldn't care less if other people do. I have tons of friends who do, and it doesn't phase me at all. Whereas weed smells vile (I've been on enough public buses to know that ergh) there is no scientific evidence to say it does any significant harm to people, so just legalise it already.
I'd rather it was legalised and taxed to hell, than people smoking unsafe and illegal substances from the black market. As it's illegal over here in the UK, you never know what you buy could contain, I suppose.
And anyway, it appears to be much less harmful than quite a few of the legal drugs at the moment ffs
I've tried it, loved it. I think it should be legalised, however a part of me doesn't want it to be. It's proven to have negative effects and actually kill brain cells - So from this if it did get legalised and then entered into the market like tobacco, it would be a 21+ product. This would ultimately lead to its abuse; just imagine how many kids with huge egos will want to caress this beauty of a plant within their disgusting underage fingers! I think it shouldn't be categorised as a class B drug (which it currently is within the UK). I also think that if it does get legalised then it will ultimately get abused, just like alcohol does today. If I had to vote between legalisation for marijuana then I would.

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i have never tried it and probs wont b/cos jesus

but it should be legal
I honestly love you sometimes.
I've tried it, loved it. I think it should be legalised, however a part of me doesn't want it to be. It's proven to have negative effects and actually kill brain cells - So from this if it did get legalised and then entered into the market like tobacco, it would be a 21+ product. This would ultimately lead to its abuse; just imagine how many kids with huge egos will want to caress this beauty of a plant within their disgusting underage fingers! I think it shouldn't be categorised as a class B drug (which it currently is within the UK). I also think that if it does get legalised then it will ultimately get abused, just like alcohol does today. If I had to vote between legalisation for marijuana then I would.

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I honestly love you sometimes.

From what I understand, cigarettes are more harmful than weed?
I've tried it, loved it. I think it should be legalised, however a part of me doesn't want it to be. It's proven to have negative effects and actually kill brain cells - So from this if it did get legalised and then entered into the market like tobacco, it would be a 21+ product. This would ultimately lead to its abuse; just imagine how many kids with huge egos will want to caress this beauty of a plant within their disgusting underage fingers! I think it shouldn't be categorised as a class B drug (which it currently is within the UK). I also think that if it does get legalised then it will ultimately get abused, just like alcohol does today. If I had to vote between legalisation for marijuana then I would.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I honestly love you sometimes.

I was about to say that tobacco isn't a 21+ product then I remembered that you're in the UK.
If it was legalised in the UK I MIGHT use it but in small doses (but enough that it would help with my Anxiety) and preferably in cakes/brownies rather than smoking it. As long as the trade is managed properly it may be slightly beneficial to the UK economy.
If it was legalised in the UK I MIGHT use it but in small doses (but enough that it would help with my Anxiety) and preferably in cakes/brownies rather than smoking it. As long as the trade is managed properly it may be slightly beneficial to the UK economy.

Don't get started with edibles. Yo they last what seems like forever. It's good if you like that feeling, but if it's one of your first times I would not recommend it.
Yeah edibles are amazing. I had one that was so strong, like 3 minutes after taking a bite I was already high, and after I ate all of it, I just kept getting higher and higher and that lasted for about, lets see, 9-10 hours. I don't know if all brownies are like this.
I've also had weed spaghetti, weed rice crispy treats, and weed blueberry muffins. They were all amazing and tasted wonderful.

If you're an experienced pot user then i highly recommend those and more tasty weed treats.
9-10 hours is a bit much for me though. A nice 4-6 hours is more comfortable IMO
Aww heeeell yeeee it should be legal!

I've smoked before, (I don't anymore), and I live in the US. I honestly don't have much of an argument in favor of legalization (political discussions make me really nervous hhhh) other than that I think it's a waste of time for law enforcers to chase people around for something as trivial as marijuana possession. AND regulation/taxation of weed would make cultivating and smuggling less valuable for dealers, so they'd probably stick to only dealing harder stuff, thus making weed harder to see as a "gateway drug."

But hey, I might be misinformed. Idk.
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Don't get started with edibles. Yo they last what seems like forever. It's good if you like that feeling, but if it's one of your first times I would not recommend it.

Okay I didn't know that, but I just feel uncomfortable with the whole smoking thing :/ Oh well, I'd still vote for it to be legalised though.