Trading Marina - closed.

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Alright :)

* I still have to check if he still wants Marina
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Omg gnoixam

Btw truexgentleman has ten spots and he doesn't tt. Will you be willing to wait?
WHAAAT I just gave Peanut away a couple days ago. Almost voided her too ._.
Peanut would be much easier to obtain than Ankha which is why I listed Ankha first. If I don't get Ankha before Marina asks to move, I'll take Peanut.
He still wants her!!! I bet he's asleep but I'd also bet he'll check the board before school tomorrow. Has anyone pm'ed him? I know one of us could hold her for him if needed!!! Omg! He's been trying to get her forever!!!
He still wants her!!! I bet he's asleep but I'd also bet he'll check the board before school tomorrow. Has anyone pm'ed him? I know one of us could hold her for him if needed!!! Omg! He's been trying to get her forever!!!

I only left a VM, either way - I can easily trade Peanut for him to get Marina <3
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