The black-nosed Reindeer
The glamorous Mrs. Octopus just asked to leave my town while I'm TTing. I wish I could keep her but she moved directly in front of my house and I'd rather the space to have a garden tbh.
Looking for: Beau, Papi, Deirdre, Molly, Julian, unorderables or hybrids.
LF is in the order I want them, but I also don't mind trading her for Japanese/Korean unorderables (I lost all mine TT_TT) or hybrids (purple roses / blue violets / purple pansies are priority, white carns / orange roses second), so feel free to offer those if you don't have the villagers up for offer.
It'll probably be a few hours while I glacially TT up to her leaving date.
Looking for: Beau, Papi, Deirdre, Molly, Julian, unorderables or hybrids.
LF is in the order I want them, but I also don't mind trading her for Japanese/Korean unorderables (I lost all mine TT_TT) or hybrids (purple roses / blue violets / purple pansies are priority, white carns / orange roses second), so feel free to offer those if you don't have the villagers up for offer.
It'll probably be a few hours while I glacially TT up to her leaving date.
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