Trading Marina, to go tonight preferably.

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The black-nosed Reindeer
Apr 1, 2013
Green Christmas Stocking
Jingle Christmas Doll
Jingle Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
100% (33) +
The glamorous Mrs. Octopus just asked to leave my town while I'm TTing. I wish I could keep her but she moved directly in front of my house and I'd rather the space to have a garden tbh.

Looking for: Beau, Papi, Deirdre, Molly, Julian, unorderables or hybrids.

LF is in the order I want them, but I also don't mind trading her for Japanese/Korean unorderables (I lost all mine TT_TT) or hybrids (purple roses / blue violets / purple pansies are priority, white carns / orange roses second), so feel free to offer those if you don't have the villagers up for offer.

It'll probably be a few hours while I glacially TT up to her leaving date.
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Really? No one? She's in boxes now.

I've no aversion to just giving her away if no one will take her, I just want to get my date back up to real time soon.
I was gonna offer the same thing Mella was. ^^;

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'd totally jump on her for my main town if I didn't already have her. :p
She is actually a dreamie ahah. I'd just have to shove her in my cycling town and hope she doesn't move before I have space in my normal town ;~;
Ohhh, thought you won her from another auction, unless I'm mistaken?

Nope, I waited every day until some ridiculous time at night, and woke up at 5am last saturday and the person had given her away without thinking to tell me.
Nope, I waited every day until some ridiculous time at night, and woke up at 5am last saturday and the person had given her away without thinking to tell me.

That sucks. :( They could have at least told ya that they were gonna give her to someone else. Oh well. Good luck getting her this time. :)
Sorry was just having dinner quickly.
I was hoping to atleast get something for Marina considering she was about the only thing of value I have in game a couple weeks back after losing my data. But I accept it seems to be a bad day for trading seeing as several thread have gone by empty today and I won a giveaway earlier by being the only person. :p

I've got a bunch of hybrid roses (the color you were looking for)...?

Which are you offering and how many?
I only need blue violets now, though I only have 1 purple rose and 1 purple pansy so they're not breeding like my others.
Sorry was just having dinner quickly.
I was hoping to atleast get something for Marina considering she was about the only thing of value I have in game a couple weeks back after losing my data. But I accept it seems to be a bad day for trading seeing as several thread have gone by empty today and I won a giveaway earlier by being the only person. :p

Which are you offering and how many?
I only need blue violets now, though I only have 1 purple rose and 1 purple pansy so they're not breeding like my others.

I have quite a few blue violets, how many did you want?
Actually my wifi will probably go out soon (It's like 10:45pm over here ahah)
So congrats to whoever gets her if it's not me ^_^
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