Giveaway Marina!

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Senior Member
Oct 25, 2013
99.6% (257) +
I originally put her up for auction but I'm not in need of bells right now so I decided to give her away to a forever home. :) This giveaway will not be first come, first serve.

  1. Marina must be a dream villager of yours.
  2. If you win, and she unexpectedly moves away, do not sell her. I am expecting you to give her away as well.
  3. You MUST have space for Marina.
  4. You can't enter for a friend, sorry!

If you'd like to enter, fill out this form:
Town name:
Friend code:
Why you feel like you should win Marina:
(~ Just for fun ~)Favorite meal:

This will end when gnoixaim has Fauna in boxes for me.
its my friends dreamie! :D i just sent her the link!
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wait can I even go online on my cycling town omg lemme see

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Town name:Galifrey
Friend code: In my siggy thing idk
Why you feel like you should win Marina: Because no joke, I woke up every day at like some ridiculous time in the morning an stayed up until like Midnight everyday this week, and woke up at 5:30am yesterday to get marina, and the person had given her away omg
(~ Just for fun ~)Favorite meal:idk OREOS THO
I'd like to enter. I have plenty room ATM and she'd be a welcome addition

Name: Danielle
Town of Starfall
FC 4081-6739-3017
Honestly just want her because she's adorable and I want a normal replacement for Tia
Favorite meal? That's tough, lol. Stone oven cooked pizza with real mozzarella :) although Thanksgivings not to shabby!
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Name: Jae
Town name: Town of Bidoof
Friend code: 4270-1115-6904
Why you feel like you should win Marina: Zucker needs a playmate! Marina could be a cute useful assistant for our future takoyaki store (partner with BitterCoffee). And I love her sexy legs.
(~ Just for fun ~)Favorite meal: Sushi! Sashimi! (and no I'm not going to eat her. proof is Zucker)
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I'd really love her in my town. She's my ultimate dream villager. I'd keep her in my town and never let her go :)
Name: Damian
Town name: Starfall
Friend code: 2079-7410-6307
Why you feel like you should win Marina: Marina was my favorite villager in Animal Crossing Wild World. I'd love to have her again, because we shared great memories. I want to make new memories, because she is a very nice villager. If she was in my town, I'd do all her favors and flatter her with gifts to hopefully get our friendship back to how it was in Wild World :)
I have to say, thank you for hosting this giveaway. It gives a lot of people a chance to adopt her. I hope that the winner will give her an amazing home, because she deserves no less!
(~ Just for fun ~)Favorite meal: Hm...tough choice. I'd say pizza :)
Name: Monica
Town name: Teemo
Friend code: To the left <----
Why you feel like you should win Marina: I think Marina would be a great addition to Town Teemo! Although, I don't think I DESERVE her because I've won too many giveaways.... (I won Diana a couple nights ago), I think it wouldn't hurt to try to enter again. Hehehe. I have 2 more dreamies to achieve until I'm finished! - Marshal and Marina!!! :)
(~ Just for fun ~)Favorite meal: PIZZA!!!!!!! Yum

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LMFAO.... So many pizza lovers!
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Good luck guys!!! <3 Marina's such a sweetheart!! I'd enter, but I already have her. Totally a long journey for her, but it worked out in the end. Even if you don't win, she will pop up again!! :) Don't give up hope!! I NEVER thought I could get her or Beau (they were the hardest of my dreamies to obtain), but eventually got lucky and got them both! :3
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Name: Loni
Town name: Tamoanch
Friend code: 1246-8713-3214
Why you feel like you should win Marina: I've wanted Marina forever now, and she's always been one of my dream villagers! When one of my other dreamies moved out on accident, I reset. I was hoping to get Marina and I spent 3 hours resetting my town to get her. I got Diana instead, which is another one of my dreamies, so I just settled with the town I currently have. I hope to win Marina but I understand if I can't!! Thank you for hosting the giveaway!!
(~ Just for fun ~)Favorite meal: pizza !! or anything with cheese
Name: Itachi
Town name: Tokyo
Friend code: 2852-7729-5772
Why you feel like you should win Marina: Well, she's one of my dreamies. She's so cute, and pink! xD I really like octopuses, because my husband like them too! I even have a little pink octopus plushie and she's like our daughter. I almost named her Marina (because of Animal Crossing).
Favorite meal: Asian food!
Name: Alexis
Town name: Kamino
Friend code: 1993-8393-8463
Why you feel like you should win Marina: I don't know if I deserve her more than anyone else as I have gotten two of my dream villagers from very generous people on these boards but I do really like Marina and would love to have her in my town. I had her in my Wild World town and I remember being shocked that they even had octopus villagers lol as octopuses are among my favorite animals. She's my favorite villager of the Nomral personality and it's great to see that so many other people like her as well and I'm sure whoever gets her will greatly appreciate it.
(~ Just for fun ~)Favorite meal: Spaghetti |D;
Name: Ali
Town name: Serenity
Friend code: can be found on side panel
Why you feel like you should win Marina: She is my absolute favorite :) Octopi are one of my favorite animals in real life~
(~ Just for fun ~)Favorite meal: steak and potatoes!
Name: Sarah
Town Name: Holla
Friend Code: 2552-1245-2273
Why you feel like you should win Marina: I was TTing this week to try to get her in my campsite or someone I could trade for her since my trade for her fell through and my favorite villager, Bones (who I talked to every day and took so long to get) decided to move out and I'm still pretty upset about that I was planning on resetting but decided against that. Now I'm just hoping to get my only other dreamie, Marina because wow she's so cute!
Favorite Meal: This sour soup with like vegetables or pizza uwu
Also I just feel like mentioning that I made this account for this thread (although I hope to use it more) after seeing the link on tumblr uwu
Name: Sarah
Town Name: Holla
Friend Code: 2552-1245-2273
Why you feel like you should win Marina: I was TTing this week to try to get her in my campsite or someone I could trade for her since my trade for her fell through and my favorite villager, Bones (who I talked to every day and took so long to get) decided to move out and I'm still pretty upset about that I was planning on resetting but decided against that. Now I'm just hoping to get my only other dreamie, Marina because wow she's so cute!
Favorite Meal: This sour soup with like vegetables or pizza uwu
Also I just feel like mentioning that I made this account for this thread (although I hope to use it more) after seeing the link on tumblr uwu

She's all yours! I'll add you now, make sure to add me and I'll open my gates :)
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