Mario Kart Wii Tournament


It's gonna be a great giorno!
Feb 2, 2009
<big>DirtyD's Mario Kart Wii Tournament</big>

Welcome. I decided to hold my own Mario Kart Wii Tournament. Below you will find the rules, how to join, prize information, and the signup list.

<big>When is it?</big>
The tournament will be held this weekend on Saturday 2/28/2009 at 3PM EST. If you need help converting it, let me know.

  • Use of hacks or glitches will not be tolerated
  • The tournament will consist of random course voting.
  • If you choose a course, you lose 20 points to your final score(Even if its picked or not)
  • There will be a max of 12 players in the race
  • Disconnections will be too bad. You will be able to rejoin the 2nd and 3rd GP and your score for the 1st GP til you were disconnected will be counted
  • The tournament will consist of 3 GPs. Highest overall score wins
  • All players must pay the entrance fee PRIOR to the tournament.
  • No spamming this thread
  • You must show all other players respect

<big>How to join</big>
To join all you have to do is fill out the form below. The entrance fee will be 15 flowers. Just regular normal flowers. Everyone must pay this prior to Saturday.

<table><tr><th><big>Sign up form</big>
</td></tr><tr><td>Forum Name:
</td></tr><tr><td>MKW Name:
</td></tr><tr><td>MKW Friendcode:
</td></tr><tr><td>ACCF Friendcode:</td></tr></table>

First Place: 500,000 Bells
Second Place: 250,000 Bells
Third Place: 100,000 Bells

<big>Sign up sheet</big>
<table><tr><th><big>Name</big></th><th><big>MKW Friendcode</big></th><th><big>Entrance fee</big>

I will be attempting to take video of all 3 GPs. I will at least get pictures after each race. If you are capable of being a cameraman, please let me know! I will post all media here
Etrance fee is weird,mabey make it somethign else? not everyone has 15 flowers, lol.

Forum Name:Fleep

MKW Name:sC*Cheesey

MKW Friendcode:4124-6069-3779

ACCF Friendcode: You know it.
If you do not have the entrance fee by Saturday, you will not be permitted to join. I'm not changing it, nor am I making exceptions. It isnt hard to obtain 15 flowers by Saturday.
DirtyD said:
If you do not have the entrance fee by Saturday, you will not be permitted to join. I'm not changing it, nor am I making exceptions. It isnt hard to obtain 15 flowers by Saturday.
I can get more then 30......

Want me to bring some over now?

I trade 15 flowers now for red candy 3 pieaces, and ill get more flowers.
I will pick up all entrance fees later today and during the week. I'm not trading any candy for flowers though. I am hosting a couple parties today and am preparing for those
Still accepting signups. Also about the entrance fee. It does not need to be all at once. If you can only get 4 or 7 flowers or whatever from Nooks, you can pay day by day and i'll keep a record of it in the signup table
15 flowers on AC. I will pick up the fee prior to Saturday.

The prizes are also AC prizes obviously
Just regular flowers. I will fix that in the first post now
Ok please fill out the form in the first post. I will make arrangements for picking up the entrance fee from later this evening thru the rest of the week
lol fill out the forms please so i can easily add you to the table.
Great thanks.... I added you to the signup sheet. There are still plenty of more spaces available!!
Forum Name: Cholito

MKW Name: sC*Cholito

MKW Friendcode:3265-6486-9659

ACCF Friendcode: 5456-3733-8517

I can probably give you 15 flowers today =D
I have added you to the sign up sheet. Thanks. I will be possibly taking fees today. I might not get to it til tomorrow
DirtyD said:
I have added you to the sign up sheet. Thanks. I will be possibly taking fees today. I might not get to it til tomorrow
ok that's fine just let me know ^_^
Forum Name: Joe
MKW Name: Joe
MKW Friendcode: Umm, I need to get it.
ACCF Friendcode: <-- Left