Mario Sports Mix <3


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Dec 28, 2008
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Day 29, yays! Anyway, today my brother and I got Mario Sports Mix and holy crap it's GOOD! I'm not going to go too in depth because I want to review this game next instead of Sonic Colors, but let's say DON'T TRUST REVIEWERS! Before I played it, I was disappointed to realize that Gamespot gave this game a 4/10 rating, but they didn't know what they were thinking... I really love it. Anyway, like I said, I could talk more about it but gonna save it for Sunday, so what else can I talk about.... Ah, I know. Have you ever played free for all dodgeball? We did today and it was absolutely AWESOME! Running around a gym, throwing foam balls at anyone you see. However, I got hit in the head by balls twice and lost my balance after getting hit once (hooray for uncoordination!) but it was a ton of fun. We always do the craziest things in gym class, haha. Anyway, I really want to get back to Mario Sports Mix so I'll bid you all adu. Tune in tomorrow for more exciting Jami-ness... Oh wait, I already used that one. Um... Tune in tomorrow, if you dare. Muahahahah. No, too demented. Oh I got it... Seeya!
Question of the day: Ever buy a game that got bad reviews (by peers or profesionals) but ended up loving it?
Oh my gosh, Jami, I love your gym. We get to play some four square game where we have 4 corners, a person stands on each corner, and we have to hit a ball in other peoples corners and its just really stupid and pointless. Not to mention, it hurts your hands like heck. I also hate my gym 'cause everyone is REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY competitive. It's so annoying. Lmfao, I am too, but I only get really competitive if the other team starts to get cocky or cheats.

And, most games I get, get bad reviews. Not my professionals, 'cause I don't usually look at that stuff :)P), but by my peers. Most games I have, are not games most people in my school would get.