

May 20, 2009
User Title Color Change
User Title Color Change
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you: Mememon!

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Longskitty

A rare species of Skitty whose body and tail is ridiculously long. Groups of Longskitty are often spotted climbing trees and jumping out to unsuspecting prey to choke them. Most of the time, it has an "awesomeface".

Shoop da Magikarp (or Lazarkarp)

A special breed of Magikarp that was granted powers from the gods. It charges its lazar when alone and fires it when a predator or enemy attacks it.

Shoop da Gyarados (or Lazarados)

When granting powers to Magikarp, the gods forgot that Magikarp evolved into Gyarados. This Gyarados is so strong, some people want to make the species extinct, but all who attempted to kill one has never been seen again.


A rare black-haired species of Vulpix that has pointy hair. It uses its scouter to determine the power level of its enemies. It is usually very angry when facing an enemy with a high power level, and will sometimes crush its scouter.

Over Ninetalesand

An intelligent breed of Ninetales that has an upgraded scouter. It constantly yells out "OVER 9000!!!" when facing a strong foe. Because it annoyingly overuses this meme a lot, most trainers abandon this Pokemon.

Mr. McMime

A special species of Mr. Mime trained by Ronald McDonald himself to aid him in spreading McDonalds restaurants in the Pokemon world. It seems to be comfortable around little children, and will play with them.

McMime Jr.

A species of Mime Jr. that is usually hired to entertain people. It is commonly seen in McDonald's commercials in the Pokemon World.


Psyduckroll is a specially engineered species of Psyduck on wheels. It moves by using it psychic powers, powering the wheels. Nobody knows why it was created.

Mememon are "novelty" Pokemon related to memes.

You can make your own, for me to add them here, or you can suggest one for me to make.

COMING NEXT: Golduckroll, Mudkipz (and evos)
long skitty made me chuckle...the other two I didn't even smirk. Do one for Antoine Dodson.
Zack said:
Give that Magikarp some bigger "lips".

With Antione Dodson? Which Pokemon?
I don't really know what I'd name it or what'd it look like and how it's going to change the Pokemon.

Can you suggest ones with older and more known memes?
You didn't post this in the other thread why?
3 isn't enough for a thread (2 different memes)

OG Long cat never has an "awesome face" on.
How about...something to do with weegee? This is a bit harder to do than expected.
SSgt. Garrett said:
You didn't post this in the other thread why?
3 isn't enough for a thread (2 different memes)

OG Long cat never has an "awesome face" on.
This is specifically for Mememon.

And I remember you had a "Trollax" or something. Bring it back.

And a Weegee one? Hmm, I could do that...

A rare black-haired species of Vulpix that has pointy hair. It uses its scouter to determine the power level of its enemies. It is usually very angry when facing an enemy with a high power level, and will sometimes crush its scouter.

COMING NEXT: Over Ninetalesand (maybe)
[Nook said:
,Oct 3 2010, 11:09:05 AM]Vulgeta

A rare black-haired species of Vulpix that has pointy hair. It uses its scouter to determine the power level of its enemies. It is usually very angry when facing an enemy with a high power level, and will sometimes crush its scouter.

COMING NEXT: Over Ninetalesand (maybe)

I will, just not now.
SSgt. Garrett said:
[Nook said:
,Oct 3 2010, 11:09:05 AM]Vulgeta

A rare black-haired species of Vulpix that has pointy hair. It uses its scouter to determine the power level of its enemies. It is usually very angry when facing an enemy with a high power level, and will sometimes crush its scouter.

COMING NEXT: Over Ninetalesand (maybe)

I will, just not now.
Bacon Boy said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
[Nook said:
,Oct 3 2010, 11:09:05 AM]Vulgeta

A rare black-haired species of Vulpix that has pointy hair. It uses its scouter to determine the power level of its enemies. It is usually very angry when facing an enemy with a high power level, and will sometimes crush its scouter.

COMING NEXT: Over Ninetalesand (maybe)

I will, just not now.
What? I had to say something else besides "lol."
SSgt. Garrett said:
Bacon Boy said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
[Nook said:
,Oct 3 2010, 11:09:05 AM]Vulgeta

A rare black-haired species of Vulpix that has pointy hair. It uses its scouter to determine the power level of its enemies. It is usually very angry when facing an enemy with a high power level, and will sometimes crush its scouter.

COMING NEXT: Over Ninetalesand (maybe)

I will, just not now.
What? I had to say something else besides "lol."
SSgt. Garrett said:
[Nook said:
,Oct 3 2010, 11:09:05 AM]Vulgeta

A rare black-haired species of Vulpix that has pointy hair. It uses its scouter to determine the power level of its enemies. It is usually very angry when facing an enemy with a high power level, and will sometimes crush its scouter.

COMING NEXT: Over Ninetalesand (maybe)

I will, just not now.
And when you do, I'll make the trollface non-JPG-ish.