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mental illnesses?


something we all love
May 16, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
do you have any? i would really like to know

feel free to write about your whole story and experiences because im going to read all of it because i care
I have dyscalculia but it's a learning difficulty more than a mental illness hahaha. That's pretty much all I have diagnosed. I also have problems with sudden anger but it's not a diagnosed problem, it's just an aspect of my personality I have to learn to control better.

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Also just saying this might be a very personal thread for people with actual problems...
i have depression
i got diagnosed with it a while ago but tbh ive felt like ive been depressed since i was 8. idk.
im on antidperessants atm and its doing okay and ive been feeling alright for the past few days. though my medicine makes me really dizzy and tired and im unable to fall asleep most of the time.
but other than that i dont really have any mental illnesses
I don't think I do,
I don't know if this counts (especially since I'm not officially diagnosed), but I have social anxiety (of the "severe" variety - you'd be surprised by the lengths I've gone through to avoid people)

I tried writing out when it started, and how it affected/affects me.. But it just turned into this huuuuge wall of text, which I deleted and replaced with this. xD

I think I might be improving ever so slightly, though - at least online.

I used to just lurk forums, very rarely posting.. But now here I am with nearly 400+ posts - and I only joined just last month!
I was pretty proud of myself when I saw I hit triple digits hahaha. I'd never in my life made so many posts on a forum.. Heck, that's probably more posts than what I've made on every other forum put together.
I'm not sure if this is classified as a mental disorder or an eating disorder as there isn't really much research on it. I have SED (selective eating disorder). It's extreme pickiness, and if I eat foods I like but not craving for, it literally makes me sick to my stomach and nauseous, I can't stand textures of many foods, even if I may like the taste or smell. Eating is such a chore, and going out to eat makes me nervous because people are going to judge me how little I eat or what I eat (simple meals). And trying new things is really hard. I have to like the appearance and smell of the food before trying it, and the texture. Sometimes I'm picky with my food in how its chopped up. I might not like a slice of ham, but if its cut into cubes, I find it more appealing to eat.. Idk I'm rambling, sorry '~'
I'm not sure if this is classified as a mental disorder or an eating disorder as there isn't really much research on it. I have SED (selective eating disorder). It's extreme pickiness, and if I eat foods I like but not craving for, it literally makes me sick to my stomach and nauseous, I can't stand textures of many foods, even if I may like the taste or smell. Eating is such a chore, and going out to eat makes me nervous because people are going to judge me how little I eat or what I eat (simple meals). And trying new things is really hard. I have to like the appearance and smell of the food before trying it, and the texture. Sometimes I'm picky with my food in how its chopped up. I might not like a slice of ham, but if its cut into cubes, I find it more appealing to eat.. Idk I'm rambling, sorry '~'

I actually have this exact same problem.

I also have "misophonia" - certain sounds cause extreme emotional reactions in me - and sometimes those reactions even cause my physical pain, like headaches or pain in my teeth.

My personal worst being the sound of chewing/swallowing.. Crunchy and soft foods are equally irritating sounds, for me.
OH, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and some kind of "unspecified" mood disorder.

My life only got better with pills and therapy. And I still have really horrid days sometimes. Today is actually bordering on 'horrid', actually.
I have severe social, separation and general anxiety, depression, EDNOS and I think I have a behaviour disorder >.< like ADD.
After having my daughter I had to go onto Antidepressants - which I now call Happy Pills :D and it was good timing as I was falling apart. A lot has happened to me, was raised by Grandparents who are now very ill (nan has alzheimhers, severe breathing difficulties and serious issues with her lungs and breast cancer. My Granddad has cancer in several places and a heart that needs observing all the time. A dad who is mentally ill and a mum who is mentally ill). Its all been too much over the past couple of years and these happy pills do help.

I'm also very conscious about my body and have been known to not eat. I'm a lot better - I used to survive my day on just a bowl of cereal, but I still feel very conscious about what I look like, what parts of me are horrible and where I need to loose weight. It takes control of my moods now too which can lead to me crying and feeling very down with myself.

I do need to go back to my GP though as I am gradually getting worse. My Granddad has recently told me that the Doctors do not think my Nan is going to make another year. My heart really is broken.

When you are given a second chance in life because your mum and dad couldn't care for you, you appreciate every moment. My two wonderful Grandparents gave my brother and I so much and I wish I could take every illness away from them and make them well again. It just breaks my heart :(
i have generalized anxiety disorder and it's really been a struggle. i had symptoms of it for a while, but it started getting really bad when i was 14. of course, i didn't actually get diagnosed until i was 19 because i kept saying that i was fine and didn't need to go to the doctor-- despite having dropped out of school due to my anxiety. my mom finally made me go to the doctor when i admitted that none of the natural things that we were trying to get to help were helping.

i've been on medication for it since about September and i was really nervous to go to the doctor because i was sure that they were going to tell me that nothing was wrong with me and that everything was in my head, but they didn't. that was one of the things that had been keeping me from going to the doctor and i don't regret having done it.
Dyscalculia and Dyslexia.

I really don't have any stories about them. It just makes things harder when it comes to logistics.
severe depression and generalized anxiety, diagnosed and put on pills at 12 (22 now). i also have category B personality disorder, between histrionic and borderline (so says one doctor, but i dont think my mom agrees). ive switched meds so many times, all of them failing me, where its to the point that my mum wants me to get genetic testing to see what meds can work on me, if any

the reason i was shipped off at 12 was because i was suicidal and my teacher saw me writing stupid **** on my arm lol, but yeah

its been a steady decline and im p sure i see hells gates in the distance there

what im saying is i am a Trainwreck lmfao
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OH, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and some kind of "unspecified" mood disorder.

My life only got better with pills and therapy. And I still have really horrid days sometimes. Today is actually bordering on 'horrid', actually.

I have all of those as well. In addition to OCD and borderline traits, actually. On medication for it, too. Sorry you're struggling :(

PM me if you ever want to talk :)
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I get anxiety. I'm definitely fine with talking to people and being around people, but to somewhat of an extent. I get really anxious talking to strangers and I always have this assumption that they just won't like me, and that leads to me feeling depressed after social encounters sometimes.
The most I know I have is misophonia. If I hear someone smacking their lips, eating loudly, obnoxiously popping/slurping/smacking/chomping/etc their gum (the thing I hate most in the world), it's all I can focus on and I just feel this intense discomfort and often anger. I have to ask them to stop or just leave the room, otherwise I'll end up sitting there with my stomach turning.

But as for anything serious, I haven't been diagnosed with anything. I suspect I have anxiety of some kind, but I can look up symptoms on the internet all I want and come up with a hundred different disorders that may or may not be true, so I can't say for sure if my anxiety is an actual thing.

My mother has a lot of problems in her life, anxiety being only one of them, but I wouldn't feel terribly comfortable going into detail about them all.
Its kinda depressing how many people on here at least say they've got social anxiety/depression.
I was told by a doctor I have it but I'm not quite sure why, I just get a bit overly stressed now and then.