Day 14, woo! I need something more creative to say than woo or hooray! Let's try that again. Day 14, shazam! No? I'll work on it. Anyway, another fun day in school today (sarcasm FTW.) But seriously, it wasn't too bad. I had another day of no testing, so I just have to wait until tomorrow. As the title says, I'm a mentor... Sort of. So after finishing my city project, my brother and his friend have been working on a project themselves. Basically they have to invent something and say how it'll be helpful and stuff. They're making this neat-o all in one shovel that has a flashlight, waterbottles, a brush, and more cool stuff. I got to give them ideas and be their video guy today to help them make a demonstration movie, which I'm working on editing now. Isn't it fun being a computer nerd? Anyway, finally beat that boss on Donkey Kong Country Returns... Really wasn't hard, but I didn't have the time to try again after I lost all my balloons. Anywho, changing the topic completely again, a comment I got yesterday kinda struck me. My good pal Court said that she likes my music, since I've played for her and a few others before. Now I'm not too good, but I was thinking, and have been for some time, that if you guys would want to maybe I could post some videos of me playing piano on youtube. I got a few pretty good songs I know well (Don't Stop Believin', Livin' on a Prayer) but I make mistakes often. Of course, it would take a lot more extra practice, but I'd do it if you'd listen! Let me know what you think. I'd better call it quits now, happy living! Seeya!
Question of the Day: Think I should post some piano videos on Youtube?
P.S.: Shoutout to Joe! Hey man 8D
Question of the Day: Think I should post some piano videos on Youtube?
P.S.: Shoutout to Joe! Hey man 8D