Trading Merengue for Skye


Still searching for that "の" collectible
Feb 24, 2013
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Chocolate Cake
100% (22) +
I have Merengue on my second town.
As you might now, I'm making a village made out of villagers that are blue colored, and as you noticed in the topic title, I'm searching for Skye.

So, if anyone is willing to trade her Skye for my Merengue, that would be awesome.
I'm also searching for Francine, so I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight trade her for Francine... maybe
i have skye but i quite like her ;v; would you be interested in sprinkle? she's blue too ^u^
Neither has my Merengue, buy if you are alright with trading her, I can work on TT Merengue out for you to pick up :)
I will try to TT Skye out for you. Do you have any tips for making sure I don't TT too far or shall I just do it day by day? :)
Day by day is the safest way, since you can talk normally to the villagers you want to keep, and the ones that you want to leave just talk and say "never mind" or whatever, so they can ping when they see you.
At least, that what I do and has worked for me.
Still trying LOL need to be more careful now though cos Marshal has just moved in but i will get her for you <3
Skye is leaving! I'll add you. I'm available until 3:30pm UK time then I'll be out for a driving lesson until 6pm so let me know when you wanna come.
Back home and she's in boxes ready for you whenever. Must go today though obviously 'cause boxes >_<