Selling MERENGUE in boxes TODAY only.

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Okay :3 I'll leave it and see if it goes higher or I will get back to you.
Haha yeah. People usually never come to my threads so it goes pretty fast. But say 15-20 minutes or something then?
7.5 and can pck up now from one of my kids' towns. This will be the highest i can go.
If you can get her out like, now sure. I ask to all that you must be able to trade today. No holding Mer sorry.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I will end it in four minutes.

2578-3137-4024 is the code to add.
Unless you go up to 8 and get Katt out now yes.

- - - Post Merge - - -

1 min left.
Ok, I just need to transfer funds really quick to my other character.
DaCoSim wins then. Let me know when you are ready and such.

My fc is 2578-3137-4024 :3
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