Trading Merengue


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2013
Small Mailbox
0% (0) +
I'm looking for popular villagers like marshal,lucky,ankha,Apollo il accept almost any villagers offer so don't hesitate. To ask if I don't reply just hit me with a pm
If anyone can trade someone equal value to her like marshal,Diana,lucky etcetera but I would accept more offers
Do you have anything to show that your offering of merengue is reliable? I don't mean to question you but there have been a lot of people offering big name villagers and scamming people. And your account was made today and you have no wifi rating either. Again I'm not trying to interrogate you or anything.. just better safe than sorry.
I do have merengue why else would I be posting her as an offer. I'm trying to see if anyone on the board can offer an equal value villager if not I'm keeping her
You say that but other people have too. I lost bob last week (just got him back today) to someone who made a post like yours who had a new account and was offering lucky for trade. I was not trying to say that's what you are doing by any means. Just being cautious. Good luck though.
Alright thanks for the notice I'm not here to scam here for negotiations with the board is there anyone you will ofer for merengue