Merengue's back story


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Merengue grew up in poverty. Her mother did the best she could to provide food or her children, but it was always poverty food- rice and beans, heavy on the rice. It kept them filled and nourished, but was in no way enjoyable. The mother saved every penny for her children, clothing them and housing them to the best of her ability. From a very early age, maybe because of the food, or maybe because of her unique markings, Merengue always played kitchen and dreamed of the fantastical recipies she could make. During her walk to school, she would always stop at the restraunts and bakeries, savoring the smells and sights, and wondering if all food tasted like rice and beans.
Her last year of high school was the best year for her- an anonymous donor had funded a program to teach the kids to buy and prepare food. Merengue ate the best she ever had that year, and many of her classmates had leftovers which she snuck home. Her love of cooking was realized, and at that point she knew she wanted to do nothing else. As soon as she graduated, she applied for work at the towns best restraunt, which being a small town with a large portion of the population under the poverty line, was equivalent to the Applebee's of an alternate universe. Without a degree and much experience, Merengue spent her first year there waiting tables and washing dishes. One evening, she was given the task of closing by herself, and took it as an opertunity to cook. Quietly, she arranged her kitchen, gathered her ingredients. She wouldn't use much, she promised herself. It wouldn't hurt the restaurant.
Unfortunately, she got a little carried away and ended up with a 4 course meal, complete with desert. She surveyed her creation, licking her lips and getting ready to eat when CLICK! The locks started to open. She had cooked all night, and the owner was coming! She frantically looked around to find an escape, or to hide her misdeed, but it was too late. Enticed by the food, the owner walked in with a frown.
"Happy birthday?" Merengue said weakly, expecting to be fired on the spot. Instead, her boss's face lit up. "How did you know? I don't think I told you. I don't tell anyone." He queried, salivating at the delicious food. He swallowed rapidly, wanting to see what that food would taste like. It reminded him of going to the big city on a business owner's conference, and having the food there catered by several of the city's top successful chefs. "It looks like a lot... And sort of a funny time for dinner, but will you share my birthday meal with me?" He asked, forgetting his previous question.
Merengue smoothed her apron with trembling hooves and smiled. "Of course. I'm sorry. I couldn't afford a present, too." She brought the soups out first, and they sat and chatted like old friends. After they finished, at 5:30 in the morning, he leaned back and looked at her. The food had been amazing, but he wasn't a stupid man, and he realized that she probably hadn't intended it to be his birthday present.
"Look, Merengue..." He started. She went pale, knowing she was caught. "That was the best food. And I suppose you didn't technically steal from me, seeing as I ate it and all... But you didn't have my permission! But... I'd like to add that to my menu... But... I want to be able to trust you, Merengue." He paused and tapped his fingers on the table. "I think I'm going to have to fire you." She squeeked in disappointment, as she was contributing to her family's income, and could not bear to lose her job. "But... I do know a master chef. I believe I can pull some strings and have you train under him. And then I can hire your sister... As long as she doesn't get any ideas about closing time." She deflated in her chair, dizzy. She had no idea what to say, or even how to react.
Several days later, her younger sister was in training for her old position, and Merengue was on her way to the city, to be classically trained as a chef. She ended up specializing in pastries, and even created a dish they named after her. However, having grown up poor in a small town and then suddenly being sought after and popular did not sit well with her. She decided an early retirement was in order, and began to seek a small town in which she could live by the sea.
She settled on Khazdhan, and now lives a happy, quiet life and supplies the villagers with all their sweets and pastry needs. She has even branched out, designing a furniture series, house designs, and creating new kitchen equipment.