Giveaway Mint the adorable squirrel


✧*✲ a d d i c t i o n ✲*&#100
Sep 1, 2013
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
October Birthstone (Opal)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Rainbow Feather
100% (195) +
Mint has requested me to leave, but since she is a dreamie, I actually am letting her go so then I can build back a bridge I destroyed. I am willing to pay one million bells per month to whoever is willing to keep her for a while for me. I think it will take me 3 month or so to cycle, so i'll pay 1 million per month :0
I really want her back ;_;

?DIT: i am actually giving her away to whoever has her as a dreamie. She has the alpine s?ries re furbished (quite nice) and no trash. Very pleasant home :)
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Hi! Awwww I know excately how you feel!(same happened to me with my baby stitches- well he left wothout warning) ;_; I'll go up for keeping mint for you! And if your wondering "what if i dont get her back? What if they keep her and wont return her to me?!" Well dont worry im not like that ;) shes not my dreamie so i dont really mind keeping her for you :)
Hi! Awwww I know excately how you feel!(same happened to me with my baby stitches- well he left wothout warning) ;_; I'll go up for keeping mint for you! And if your wondering "what if i dont get her back? What if they keep her and wont return her to me?!" Well dont worry im not like that ;) shes not my dreamie so i dont really mind keeping her for you :)

Thanks a lot, but I actually went to think over it, and I'd rather give her away ;_;
I am super slow at cycling, I only cycled 13 villagers for P?can ever since end August, and i wouldn't want anyone to be "stuck" with her. I'll take her from Somebody's giveaway when I'll have cycled >~<
If you are still looking for a home for Mint I would love to take her for my daughters town. I been looking for Peanut and Mint for her. You can PM if that's okay with you....:D
If you are still looking for a home for Mint I would love to take her for my daughters town. I been looking for Peanut and Mint for her. You can PM if that's okay with you....:D

Oh yes I am still searching for a Home for Mint!
I am sure she will have a lovely Home in your daughter's town ^^
When can you take her? I'll TT her into boxes when you can take her :D
I can take her now since her 10th spot is free....she will be so excited once I show her when she gets home from school! Thank you! Her FC is 4184-2195-0611
Alright ! :D
I am actually quite happy that Mint will get a forever Home and won't get voided *^*
She is a dreamie, but i need to build the bridge back ;_;
Adding the FC and will TT ;)
Yah I saw she was dreamie....I lost Genji and now Bianca in a TT accident. Still working on getting them back. Takes forever! :(
Oow. Good luck getting them back! It is so annoying when you loose one of your dreamies ;_;
Thanks! I'm almost done for Genji but I'm 0/16 for Bianca...makes it worse since I only have 2 spots to use to cycle out with. Everyone else is dreamies or a spot for a dreamie.