Oct 11, 2019 #1 MahoganyRaichu Member Joined Mar 22, 2019 Posts 26 Bells 48 Feedback 0% (0) + Hello. Maybe you can help me, please. If anybody has their time in September period, could I, please, visit you and try to catch that fish? I promise, I'll try to be quick and won't destroy anything. Thank you=)
Hello. Maybe you can help me, please. If anybody has their time in September period, could I, please, visit you and try to catch that fish? I promise, I'll try to be quick and won't destroy anything. Thank you=)
Oct 11, 2019 #2 corlee1289 Senior Member Joined Oct 5, 2017 Posts 5,867 Bells 224 Feedback 100% (385) + I can host you in my weeding town and time travel (TT) to September so you can get your fish. What time did you want to come over to my town and is there a specific time you need me to TT to?
I can host you in my weeding town and time travel (TT) to September so you can get your fish. What time did you want to come over to my town and is there a specific time you need me to TT to?