Missed quite a few DLC


°˖ ✧◝( =∂ω∂=)◜✧˖ °
Oct 25, 2013
October Birthstone (Opal)
Hello, I was wondering if anyone has any cards with DLC on them available to me since I missed so many cool DLC and Challenge items.

I have the Monster Hunter items and Felyne, and I recently got the 7-11 set loaded up on a card from a nice person on here. I'd like the giant cake, giant egg, teacups, fairy tale carriage, cozy lifestyle sweets house, and maybe the harsh habitat iceberg.

Is there any way? I see some people on reddit helping each other out with that but I would rather do that here... I really don't know anyone on that reddit.

edit: I got everything except the egg, sun, & ice but I can live without them :) I got my favorites!
Thank you bara_no_uta~
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I could help. I have most of the dlc. Missing some of the more recent months. But I do have all of the character dlc. You would have to send some cards to me so I could load furniture onto them along with a self addressed postage attached envelope for returning the cards to you. I have all 4 series complete so I am not looking to add to my collection :)
I could help. I have most of the dlc. Missing some of the more recent months. But I do have all of the character dlc. You would have to send some cards to me so I could load furniture onto them along with a self addressed postage attached envelope for returning the cards to you. I have all 4 series complete so I am not looking to add to my collection :)

Sheesh not sure how I missed this but maybe we can work something out? ^^
I got Filly's 7-11 set DLC but I want the carriage, cake, teacups, and teddybear Challenge Festival items most..!
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I've had HHD since it came out, but never got around to buying an NFC reader or amiibo cards. I really want the 7-11 DLC though. How can I buy it or trade? I checked E-Bay, but everything is sold out.
I don’t understand. How do you put items for HHD on your amiibo cards ?
I've had HHD since it came out, but never got around to buying an NFC reader or amiibo cards. I really want the 7-11 DLC though. How can I buy it or trade? I checked E-Bay, but everything is sold out.

Well you'd have to buy an NFC reader. Then, you'd have to get someone to load up any card with the 7-11 set items. When you scan the animal in, you'd see the items in your new items list! :)

I don’t understand. How do you put items for HHD on your amiibo cards ?
From my understanding, you scan in a villager, decorate their house with the items you want to load up, then go back to the amiibo phone and update the contact.
i have the iceburg, giant cake, giant egg, fairy tale carriage, and sweets house, but no teddy bear or teacups. if i store them on my bertha amiibo card and send it over do you have another one you could trade? i dont care what villager it is or what furniture's on it.

edit: bertha not rhonda
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i have the iceburg, giant cake, giant egg, fairy tale carriage, and sweets house, but no teddy bear or teacups. if i store them on my bertha amiibo card and send it over do you have another one you could trade? i dont care what villager it is or what furniture's on it.

edit: bertha not rhonda

Someone PM'd me with some help (Sending me a card) but I wanted to reply! Sorry for not noticing your reply until now also. Your help means a lot!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I too am missing a few DLC characters. So, there is still a way to get them?

The new amiibo pack should have them, even if some are only JP exclusive!

To get the DLC furniture you're missing you can get it from someone else by loading it up on an amiibo card. :)
Did you end up getting the items you needed? I can help you out with all of the ones you listed.

I'm after the mountain, sun, and monitor tower items myself.
Did you end up getting the items you needed? I can help you out with all of the ones you listed.

I'm after the mountain, sun, and monitor tower items myself.

Thank you, but I did get my items :)
Good luck! I hope this thread helps you.
Huh, I missed all these dlc items, huh? Now I kind of want to try and get them. But my internet isn't the most stable thing.
I missed Felyne completely and really want some of the items that come from her. Are they going to have a card for Felyne?