Do you mean the 3 houses for the prologue? Go to the everything tab for DIYs and sort alphabetically. Tom Nook should have given you everything needed for building the houses.
Do you mean the 3 houses for the prologue? Go to the everything tab for DIYs and sort alphabetically. Tom Nook should have given you everything needed for building the houses.
Did Tom Nook give you the recipes for everything else? I don't know how the game code is written, but from my coding standpoint it should have been an all or nothing ordeal with the unlearned recipes.
It's important to note that Tom Nook sends the recipe directly to your phone while handing you the kits. He will not put it in your inventory. Just in case this is where the confusion is.
Did you complete the DIY workshop? Your player cannot learn DIYs until this step has been completed. It's possible if you skipped the workshop, Tom Nook is incapable of giving you the DIYs.
It can be hard to spot DIYs in the list (at least once you've unlocked a bunch of them) which is why I recommend sorting alphabetically. This way you'll be able to pin point the exact location in the list.
Are you playing as the island rep? The island rep usually unlocks a bunch of DIYs during the beginning that the alt players have to find all on their own.