Giveaway Monique the Snooty cat! (ENDED)


Senior Member
Jul 25, 2013
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Pear (Fruit)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Red Candy
100% (63) +
Whilst cycling, Monique offered to move~
I was going to offer her elsewhere but I know there's at least one person here who wants her, right?

This isn't restricted to dreamie villager only because I really want her gone so I can give away someone else tonight. Post if you can pick her up at this very moment.
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Wow, really wish I wasn't full and waiting on trade as well, aha. Good luck! c:
Hopefully Peanut will be up for grabs tomorrow c:

I hope Monique doesn't end up voided though D:
If no one is interested by around 7:30 I'm gonna put her up on tumblr because villagers seem to get taken by anyone on there xD

I hope I can get Peanut out for you tonight!!
If you can get Peanut out tonight too, that'd be awesome.

But it's passed midnight for me Dx
Okay!! I'll add you and open my gate. :)

Ohhhh okay Hyogo, that's fine. I'll just try to move someone else in and out maybe, or just get Peanut to state a date. Don't worry about it. :)
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Someone decided to come over for a surprise visit, so don't mind them for a few minutes for them to get signatures! :) sorry about this...
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Thanks again for the millionth time it seems like (broken record, I'm sorry!) But I really do appreciate it! <3