Is anyone else following the next game developed by Renegade Kid? Late last year Dementium: The Ward came out on DS, and it was a well-recepted (critically) title. It was scary as hell and rated M, something not seen enough of on the DS.
Moon sounds interesting enough, although there aren't a lot of details known. From an IGN interview,
Hopefully I've put this on some of your radars. What are your thoughts about Moon?
Moon sounds interesting enough, although there aren't a lot of details known. From an IGN interview,
I can't wait to see more details and screens, and I hope Moon will be available for a holiday purchase at the latest. In addition, this is Jools' Youtube channel, where he posts game design vlogs and Moon development vlogs.Jools: Yes, Moon is viewed from the first-person perspective. Although Moon features both first-person shooter and adventure qualities, at its heart Moon is a shooter. We have paid special attention to how the player's weapons and the enemies compliment each other, providing challenging gameplay that require skill from the player to progress.
Hopefully I've put this on some of your radars. What are your thoughts about Moon?