The newest post on like all of the boards, is actually old. Look at like off-topic, it's not up-to-date. And Tech support wasn't up-to-date either...these glitches are weird >_<
I know. I think it has to do with ZetaBoards, new servers, updates, and stuff like that. Have you seen the same things on other forums, or is it just here?
I'm also experiencing some very abnormal/annoying glitches! For instance, I have to try like 3 times just to get into these forums! It keeps saying "Page cannot be found" all the time, sometimes even when I refresh the page! Also, sometimes when I post something, the post doesnt go through, or it wont say that I posted. For instance, on "Kevins forum store" thing, I posted, but it still says the last member to post was kevin. EVEN THOUGH I WAS THE LAST MEMBER TO POST!