More than one AC game per day


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2015
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Is anyone handling more than one Animal Crossing game per day? I'm balancing my time between my two New Leaf towns, Westerly and Granada, as well as Happy Home Designer at the same time.
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I have two New Leaf towns. I only talk about my main town, Pripyat, here. My newest town is a month old. I also play Happy Home Designer a few times a week.
Naaaah, I've just been focusing on my NL town.

But I do remember playing in my NL town and my WW town at some point over the summer. And I have thought about making a character in my sisters' CF town. But knowing them, they'd probably end up deleting it.
I play HHD every day, pop into my ACWW town every couple days or so, and I'm currently taking a hiatus from ACNL, at least until Halloween is over ^^;
I used to play WW and NL every day, but I haven't been on WW since September. School is too busy. I do make time to play NL every day though. c:
I have my two New Leaf towns, I play Happy Home Designer a few times per week and I occasionally play my GameCube and Wild World towns maybe once or twice a week.