So, a while ago Beardo asked me if he should move away. He's one of my favorites and I'm never letting him go so I reset the game as a have done many times in the past to move the thought bubble to someone else. Next day, still Beardo. And the next. At this point I thought it was just bad luck. Now it's been over a week and every day it's Beardo wanting to move.
Did they patch this trick out or am I just being unlucky? Or is it something else causing this? Maybe I should just tell him to stay and wait another week until someone else decides to move out because it just doesn't seem to be working for me right now.
Did they patch this trick out or am I just being unlucky? Or is it something else causing this? Maybe I should just tell him to stay and wait another week until someone else decides to move out because it just doesn't seem to be working for me right now.