moving out!


Feb 6, 2021
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The Bell Tree World Championship 2021 Patch
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is there any way to move out a villager? without amibo

ive tried the method of ignoring them but its been weeks and still none of them have moved out : (
I am having the same exact problem. I have googled ways to make them leave but none of them have seemed to work. I ended up just buying a stack of Amibo so I can get the ones I want. I have heard the TT 15 days ahead method works, I just don’t TT that far ahead ever. Best of luck!
i talk to all of my villagers every day apart from moose, yet fauna just asked to leave?...
hope some of this info can help, sorry if you already know it all:

Asking to leave is mostly rng. Although ignoring a villager will not build the friendship level, but it also will not increase the chances of the villager moving out beyond that. It does not cause the friendship level to go down. (It cannot go below 0, so if you have consistently not talked to him then it is probably as low as possible). Even with a friendship level at 0, any villager can ask to leave. There is somewhat of a difference based on friendship level (I have read), but it is still mostly rng. There’s no sure fire way to get one particular villager to ask to leave except for time (and time travel), patience, and perseverance.

apologies again if I am repeating something you already know. But I also just wanted to not that for a villager you want to move out to go you have to talk to them at minimum if they have a thought bubble. Otherwise they will never ask to leave and never move. (I believe this was different if you played new leaf, which is why I mention it).

Finally, remember, if you told fauna no, rather than cold shutting off your game, no one will ask to leave for about 5 days. But then you will be able to hunt for the move out bubble again and hopefully it won’t be too long until luck runs in your favor!

good luck!
Heres what I have noticed, and it's slightly odd but for the most part ends up working

Talking to a villager, making friends with them is the highest chance of them asking to leave. Because they wanna see other places since they know you.

I time travel further then 15 days, but I dont really reccomend tt the number of days I do.
The easiest way to forcefully move a villager out is by Amiibo. The hardest way is by tt, but if you play it right, it's a higher chance and that's by talking to the villager. I know it sounds odd, but it seems that the ones you talk to the least aren't likily to ask to leave, opposed to the one you don't want to leave.

So here's how I see it, is that if you talk enough to a newly arrived villagers make friends, give gifts, then theres a higher chance of the game saying they wanna leave because you know them, and it wants to see if you really want to keep them or not. If you ask them to stay, they may never ask again, or for a very long time.

Abuse like pushing, pitfalling, netting, ignorance, doesnt make the chance any higher. But if your talking to them tt and even if they dont wanna leave talk to them. Do it again.

Its basically just lying to them as I refer to it.

I'm trying to max levels with Lopez like I had before and he asked to leave once. Not again, but one time he asked if he should leave.

Static, whos been here the least, hasn't asked to leave (I havent spoiled him yet) but ones I do spoil ask if they should move on

But try being nice, and giving them attention. That's what I've noticed at least.
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Like everyone else is saying, moving in this game is mostly rng. But there are some ways to get them out without using amiibo:
1: ignore them. Ignore the villager(s) that you want to move, and tt a bit and they should have a thought bubble about moving.
2:Bully them. This one might seem cruel, but if you really want a villager out, you can talk to them until they get annoyed, gift them trash, push them, pitfall them, and send them mean letters. This will increase the chance of the said villager wanting to move.
Hope this helps and good luck!
As mentioned, the villager who chooses to move is randomly selected 15 days after the last open plot. The percentages are based on friendship level. A villager with lower friendship is more likely to ask to leave based on percentage distribution, but the selection is still random. There are some exceptions. A villager won't ask to move if they are your newest villager, if their birthday is within 7 days, or if you are moving their house. Villagers also won't ask to leave on event days or days when KK is in town (at least they don't ask on Saturdays, not sure what happens when KK gets bumped to Sunday).

If no one has the move out thought bubble after 15 days, the villager who wants to move might be inside their house, so you can try to reset the game to get them to respawn outside. If it's not the villager you want to leave, you can reset the game before finishing the conversation and wait until the next day. Sometimes the move out thought bubble will transfer to another villager the next day. If you tell a villager to stay, it's 5 days until another move out thought bubble appears.

Ways to increase friendship
- talking to them daily
- giving them gifts
- completing request
- catching their fleas

Ways to decrease friendship
- hitting them with a net three times
- pushing them until they get upset
- gifting them trash

No effect
- letters
- pitfalls
- ignoring

If you don't want to be mean to them, the best way to increase the odds in your favor is to talk to the villagers you want to keep and ignore the villagers you don't want to keep. However, if the villagers you want to leave are already at a high level of friendship, your options would be to try to lower the friendship or just wait it out.

This link breaks down all the percentages if you can figure out what friendship level you are at with each villager:

(this is all based on information that has been data mined and could change in future updates)
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Just Time Travel 15 days in the future and if no one has the little cloud above his head leave without saving and time travel 1 day forward, repeat this until the villager you want tot get rid of leave.

Had nothing to do with friendship, still... Note the the only villager that don't leave, is the last one that move into the island.

How do i know this: I get rid of 10 Villagers this way in order to get free spots for the Dream Villagers.