Smells Like Teen Spirit
The other day, I completed the bug section of critterpedia. I donated the final bug to the museum (which was the golden stag), but I didn’t realize until a few hours later that Blathers didn’t say anything about the bug section being completed. So I checked my critterpedia to make sure I donated every bug. When I saw the reason why, my heart sank. I forgot to donate the stupid rice grasshopper. Panicking, I checked the fish section (I’ve caught every fish except the king salmon. I didn’t know it existed back in September, so I thought it was just salmon. Had I known it existed I would’ve made an effort to catch it) and I saw that I forgot to donate the guppy and neon tetra. Thankfully, I had a guppy in my storage cuz I was saving up for the model, so I donated it. I’m also glad the neon tetra is available right now. But I have to wait until August to get the rice grasshopper. Back last August when I started playing, I wasn’t as attentive to my museum donations. I started actually caring in 2024. I can’t believe it took me this long to realize this. Has this happened to anyone else? I feel like an idiot.