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Mushroom Manor Mystery


Chaotic Demon
Nov 25, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
I am a author of over 350 fanfictions in a series on a other forum, this is one of my most critically aclaimed fics of all time.

Grab the popcorn, shut down your phones, and enjoy

Mushroom Manor, a classy mansion built for the Toadstools 150 years ago. Now, it’s used as a area to rent for Balls and Dinner parties...but it a dark secret in its 150 year history.

It was a dark and stormy night in the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario, Luigi, and Wiggler were driving in the woods, to Mushroom Manor.

“Ugh, this bowtie is-a strangling me!” Luigi blurted out.

“Don’t worry Luigi, you’ll get used to it!” Wiggler cheerfully said

“Maybe because you-a wear one 24/7?” Mario said in a deep tone.

“Yeah, i guess you’re right…” Wiggler said in a sorrow tone.

“Look!” Luigi said “There it is!”.

While the Mario Bros. were busy unloading, Wiggler dozed off like his average self but something didn't feel right….

“Mom...No...who...no...GAH!” Wiggler shouted out as he woke up from his little nap.

“Woah ho ho!, did you eat too much Shroombalo Berries before we left?” Mario chuckled.

“N-no,” Wiggler said in a frightened voice “I saw something, i think i saw-”

“DING DONG” the doorbell rang, cutting off Wiggler from his “Mantra”

“Oh, you came!” Peach said overjoyed as she opened up the door.

“So, where’s that Toad-fella?” Mushroom King asked as Luigi and Co. took of their coats.

“He’s-a running late,” Mario said “Traffic”

“Well, that’s a-” Mushroom King said as he was cut off by the doorbell.

“They’re here!” Peach said as she got near the door.

“Who’s here?,” Wiggler asked “Toad?, Wario?”.

“Nope” Peach said as she opened the door.

Dun Dun Duuuun!

It was no other than the Koopas!. But there was only Bowser, Clawdia, Iggy and Ludwig.

“I bought my-WHAT!?, WHY DID YOU INVITE CAPTAIN STUPID!?” Bowser shouted in rage.

“Sweeti-” Clawdia said but was cut off by Bowser.

“Now don’t you now sweetie me," Bowser grumbled "Now, where’s the horror movie?"

“Uhh..i lied so i can bring you here…,” Peach said in a regretful tone “It was a dinner party”.

“Great!, not only that this is a dinner party!,” Bowser blurted “I bought both of my knucklehead kids that don’t even know on how to turn on a lightbu-”.

“Eh-hem!” Clawdia said, cutting off Bowser.

“What i meant to say was, “They’re my little and smart bundles of joy….” Bowser grumbled sarcastically.

“Vat’s up next?, I fall out ze window?” Ludwig grumbled

“Or i end up shooting a rifle” Iggy chuckled

While everyone was chatting in the foyer, the doorbell rang and it was no other than Toad himself!.

“Now let’s have the dinner party commence!” Peach cheerfully said as she took everyone to the dining room

But as everyone went into the dining room...a strange and ghostly figure followed them…

“I’d like to make a toast!,” Mushroom King said and ate a piece of toast shortly afterward. “This beloved mansion built 150 years ago by our forefathers is now used as a celebrational building!, but i invited you’ll here to-”

As Mushroom King gave out his toast, he was cut off as his glass cup shattered mysteriously as he held it up.

“Uhh...what is happening?” Luigi said frantically.

Everyone stared at each other all confused...but a dark shadowy figure was floating around the chandelier...doing who knows what!.

5000 Years of life have i gone in travail and took revenge on all who opposed of me...now...150 years later after this immense mansion was made, my revenge SHOULD TAKE IT’S DAY!.

The figure turned out to be no other than King Boo!, the gentleman trickster.

“Look who it is!, all my victims are all in one place!,” King Boo cheerfully said “Did all of you miss me?, admit it!, you missed me!”.

“Hardly!,” Luigi blurted out “I know you well Boo!, we know your dirty tricks!”.

“Well listen here Greenie,” King Boo said in a bit of frustration in his voice “You may know me really well but heed my words, i will control one of you and the only way to ward me off...is to KILL the person”.

“You’re insane!” Mushroom King blurted.

“And i got a riddle!, why did the King do this?” King Boo said in a certain posture.

“This?” Mushroom King asked, mimicking King Boo’s posture

After Mushroom King mimicked King Boo’s posture, King Boo immediately petrified Mushroom King. Turning him into a golden statue.

“Cause i needed a toy for my kids!” King Boo laughed while treating the Mushroom King like a toy while laughing.

“DAD!” Peach cried out.

“Oh, is the little baby gonna cry?,” King Boo said as he was mocking Peach “What are you gonna do!?, take me down in one punch!?, DO I-”.

While King Boo was mocking Peach, he was cut off by a gunshot. It turned out to be Iggy holding a rifle he grabbed from the fireplace.

“Go. Away.” Iggy said.

“Oh, i’m soooo scared!” King Boo said sarcastically.

“GET OUT OF HERE!, YOU DON’T WANT ME TO USE THIS AGAIN!” Iggy shouted furiously.

“You’ll understand Iggy, a act of loyalty will be the cause of your fatality” King Boo said and disappeared after shortly afterward.

“W-wha-wha-WHAT WILL WE DO!?” Luigi screamed frantically.

“Get ahold of yourself Luigi!” Toad said grasping and slapping sense into Luigi.

“I think i have something in my purse that can help us,” Clawdia said while searching her purse “I think i-”

But as Clawdia searched her purse, the lights went off after a lightning strike. Everyone was running around screaming, but after what seemed like an eternity, the lights came back on but…


“No...this...NO!,” Bowser cried out “WHO DONE THIS!?”.

“Calm down King Dad” Ludwig said trying to calm down Bowser.

“Maybe Clawdia is hiding or something” Mario suggested

“You must know where she is” Bowser said while he was aiming a wand at Mario.


“Put the wand down Bowser” Peach said.

“You don’t have to do this,” Wiggler said “Clawdia might as well be alive but if we work together, we can stop King Boo and get your wife back!”.

Bowser was staring at Wiggler menacingly, “You’re dead to me” Bowser said as he uses the wand and a fireball launches toward Wiggler, launching Wiggler out the window into a tree. After everyone stared at Wiggler’s bruised body, Luigi tackled and beat up Bowser in retaliation, But Bowser manages to evade and throws Luigi toward the wall.

“Looks like i’m gonna have Roasted Luigi for dinner!” Bowser shouted as he about to breathe fire, but gets knocked out by Peach.

“Are you okay?” Peach asks.

“That monster...” Luigi said

“I cannot believe King Dad would do such an act” Iggy said in a overwhelmed tone.

“Zis...Should we?” Ludwig asked.

“Oh heck yea” Iggy said, agreeing with Ludwig.

Iggy and Ludwig take out the magic scepters and fight the Mario Bros. Peach and Toad run off while Ludwig gets kicked in the stomach by Mario and Iggy gets punched in the face by Luigi.


“Sssh,” Peach shushed “They can may hear us”

“Well, we didn't have to hide in a dirty closet!” Toad said trying to get dust off his tuxedo.

“Ssh!, hear somebody coming” Peach whispers.

While Toad and Peach are sitting down in silence, the doorknob starts turning and Toad is on the verge of screaming. But the door was opened by Luigi!.

“I heard you got a problem” Luigi says pointing to a defeated Iggy and Ludwig.

“Now, we need some rope to-” Mario said ends up being cut off by Ludwig charging at him.

“Zis’ vill be ze end of you, Mario!” Ludwig shouts.

“Not for long!” Mario shouts and pushes Ludwig out a window.

“Now that got the job-” Mario proudly says but falls out the window along with a beaten Iggy grabbing him.

“Oh crap…” Luigi said in a cowardly tone

As Peach, Toad, and Luigi look at each other in confusion, Toad stumbles back and falls mysteriously.

“Uhh...Toad?” Peach asks frantically.

“Oh...I’m feeling fine” Toad says “I feel…reborn”.

There was something different about Toad, his voice sounded female and his eyes were green with elongated pupils, but King Boo wasn't possessing him since his eyes would only be yellow…


“As you wish” Toad says.

Shortly after, a Green Boo-like figure exits Toad’s body, but it wasn't King Boo...It was Lady Bow.

“Good job!, you solved the case,” Lady Bow cheerfully says “Now enjoy a lifelong depression!”.

“YOU WERE BEHIND ALL OF THIS, WEREN’T YOU!?” Luigi shouts in a enraged voice.

“Well Boo made me a deal, and i never reject one of his deals” Lady Bow said.

A short while after there was a noise...not just any noise, if was the noise of a vacuum cleaner!. Wiggler was there with Professor E. Gadd and E. Gadd was holding the Poltergust 5000!.

“I need something new for my ghost collection,” E. Gadd said, successfully sucking in the Female deceiver. “Ooh, there’s something extra!”.

While E. Gadd tinkered with the Poltergust 5000, it ejected 6 ghostly figures.

“What’s that?” Luigi asks.

The ghostly figures slowly floated toward the center of the Mansion, and each one transformed into Mushroom King, Bowser, Clawdia, Iggy, Ludwig, and Mario. It was no other than their souls!.

“MARIO!” Luigi happily shouts and hugs Mario really hard.

“I...can’t...breathe…” Mario gasps.

“Sorry” Luigi says, letting go of Mario.

“Come on guys, let’s have a real dinner party!” Peach cheerfully shouts.

“NO!” everyone blurts.

“You’re kidding, right?” Peach asks.

“YES!” everyone shouts.

The End
