Music haunts while studying


Mar 21, 2018
Matryoshka Doll
Tin Robot
Matryoshka Doll
Tin Robot
Matryoshka Doll
Ok am I the only one who has the lyrics of a song playing in my mind and not paying any attention to any teacher or any important lecture? I mean whenever trying to learn something for tests, a song comes to my mind and I start to hum it and then I'm like omg I have to learn!
I've had songs play in my head that sound like they're playing right in the room. I've also been able to basically "watch" a tv show in my head as if it's really there (it happens with stuff I've seen and practically memorized, like old episodes of Spongebob). It really is fascinating.

I think if it happens during something important, its just a lack of focus. When this happens to me I try my hardest to pay attention to what the teacher/prof is saying, and most of the time it seems I feel myself getting involved with what they're talking about and then I don't lose focus. But then again I take some pretty interesting courses in college :lemon:
Yeah, I have had music playing in my head before. It also happens at the most obscure times, like when I am at work. I have to pay attention at work, so it sucks when I’m completely zoned out because of a song in my head. I know work is different from studying, but it is still very haunting. It’s annoying when I am trying to concentrate.
Music plays in my head sometimes when I’m studying, but I use my brain to mess up the lyrics on purpose, so a sad or depressing song would actually sound quite funny. When I’m at home, I like to make noises and sing songs with all the wrong lyrics. I also tend to use my expert beatboxing skills and add them to a song to make it sound cool. :cool: