Trading My #1 dreamie Beau.. is in boxes :'(

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Mayor of Ajloun
Oct 3, 2013
New Horizons Token
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Red Candy
100% (36) +

Sigh sigh sigh sigh sighhh.
My #1 dreamie and favorite villager, Beau had suprised me in boxes today.. he never pinged me before too and I spoke to him everyday, I don't TT.

Right after I completed my dream village.. he decides to go :(

This is very saddening. I'm looking to offers I guess. AB: Stitches, Deer villager or Midge. Just offer anything I guess :c
I'm so sorry :(. Beau left me a week ago in my old town! I was so upset. I've been seeing a lot of threads popping up lately with people losing him without notice, that naughty little deer!
I'm so sorry :(. Beau left me a week ago in my old town! I was so upset. I've been seeing a lot of threads popping up lately with people losing him without notice, that naughty little deer!

I have two acnl games I might transfer him but it would be a pain to cycle out 16 villagers I might start a new file there sigh :/
I am currently 0/16 cycling for Beau so I feel your pain <3 He is my favorite as well ;_;
i'm really sorry that happened ;o; i had Marshal for a day and he decided to show up in boxes while i was trying to get Kyle to move for a friend.,., that was after i cycled out 16 villagers to get him back as well x_x
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I lost Fauna once. I reset because of it :c

I can offer 7 black roses, 7 blue pansies, 7 blue roses, and 3 orange roses. Plus my afternoon tea set? And a picture of Fauna c:
ugh im sorry :( idgi why they even do that. well i lost bam due to some glitch but still....
I'm soo sorry! I can't believe Nintendo took out the option to be able to convince villagers to stay once they're in boxes >.< What were they thinking?!?!
Had a really crummy day today and this made it worse ; n;
i might keep him in my cycling town but if he's a dreamie of someone else, i hope he could make you happy, just offer ;o ;
I can throw in an egg bed, wardrobe, tv, lamp, and Lolly's and Shep's picture to my offer. Plus 150K?
Oh, and Merengue's picture, and 3 pink roses <3
I can throw in an egg bed, wardrobe, tv, lamp, and Lolly's and Shep's picture to my offer. Plus 150K?
Oh, and Merengue's picture, and 3 pink roses <3

not really looking for items but i appreciate your offer
I have Marina? And sorry to hear about that Ameer ;o;
Awe :( I don't have many bells to offer for him. So I'll just wait til he pops up in my cycling town again.
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