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My 5 tips and tricks for island terraforming! <3


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2021
Sautéed Mushrooms
Yellow Lily
Hello happy islanders!

Today I'm going to give some more tips and tricks with terraforming!! whoooooooooooo!!

So, things we'll talk about is clearing your island! there are many ways to do that! We all know the whole leveling out trick and building up your island the as you go. But is there an easier way to go about clearing everything? And what about after you've already cleared your island, but you still need to get rid of or move all the foliage in order to place down roads and or paths!? And the favorite question of when you're trying to build but have to move villagers' houses!? where should you put'em? Is there any easier way to navigate thru all this island terraforming madness!?

Yes! Si! OUI!
(idk if I spelt oui right. French was my worst subject! XD)

1.) Everybody lives on the beach!!!

Simply move your villagers to the beach one by one. This is one of the ways to make room on your island but not have to get rid of your villagers!

2.) Everybody lives in the hills!!!

Don't have room on your beach for houses? move them onto the highest level of your island and in the back of the level. keep your villagers and build happily with ample space!

3.) Foliage relocation!!!

Here is where your friends come in handy! invite all the friends you want and have them do some uprooting and yard work with you! from digging up flowers to relocating trees! :sneaky:(y)

4.) Builder mode without actually building!

This method you can invite friends to help with clearing the land and as they do that you can place down your paths through the custom design app! this opens a whole looser and easier way to terraform without really terraforming and still get the layouts of your island done! (y)

5.) You do it!

If your married and your spouse is the artsy one of out of the of you, make them work on your island for you! XDDD (little marriage humor) 😅 :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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