Hello! This is my first blog!
So Chadder moved in, Flip moved out. Peanut is now officially my best friend because she declared it in a letter I just got! Going to send my daily letters to my awesome villagers, particularly, Mint, Colton, Peanut, Apple and Anicotti! Also in my second town, Nookling Junction is upgrading and Club LOL is going to open, excited! Going to send my daily letters to Marshal, Canberra, Coco and perhaps Pango too!
So Chadder moved in, Flip moved out. Peanut is now officially my best friend because she declared it in a letter I just got! Going to send my daily letters to my awesome villagers, particularly, Mint, Colton, Peanut, Apple and Anicotti! Also in my second town, Nookling Junction is upgrading and Club LOL is going to open, excited! Going to send my daily letters to Marshal, Canberra, Coco and perhaps Pango too!