]url=http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?58302-My-first-Sigs-using-Gimp[ Please let me know. ]/url[
Thanks,you can find a button to download Gimp at this link http://www.gimp.org/nice, where can i get a link to download it, i cant find it :/, i want to test out my art skills on a good system..
The URL just takes me to this thread.practice makes perfect, good start i suppose (i'm no critic, and don't care much for the blocky/rectangular sigs, myself)
but i fixed your sig, for you:
Code:]url=http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?58302-My-first-Sigs-using-Gimp[ Please let me know. ]/url[
reverse the [ and ] characters, and it should work. i hate this forum software's [ code ]
that's the point.. they let you know in this thread. change the url to whatever way you'd like them to contact you, i guess.Thanks,you can find a button to download Gimp at this link http://www.gimp.org/
The URL just takes me to this thread.
I have,it's that I didn't know how to open the render with Gimp,but I got it sorted out and I'm going to view a Gimp tutorial soon.I have to agree on Josh with the rendering. For renders for pretty much anything, go here: http://planetrenders.net/
You have to make an account, but it's quick and free.
I have,it's that I didn't know how to open the render with Gimp,but I got it sorted out and I'm going to view a Gimp tutorial soon.
Needs alot of work really blurry the bgs look bad and the characters have white around them which makes the whole thing look bad