my friend was stabbed and it turned into tumblr discourse


i can be a werewolf if you want me to
Aug 8, 2013
Crescent Moon Easter Egg
Bloodshot Potion
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
Purple Violet
Ancient Candle
Waluigi Easter Egg
so my friend is a manager at a mickie d's, and on Sunday he got stabbed by an employee who had been fired recently. He's okay now, the injuries were pretty minor considering. He got released the same day.

but then someone on tumblr started a rumor that it was because of rick and morty? that someone was mad about szechuan sauce and stabbed him?????
and it exploded into a huge argument between a bunch of people and kept getting worse even after someone sourced what actually happened

I'm honestly kinda mad about it mainly because I'm friends w him and close to his wife????

but that's how my week has been, how are you? lmao
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lol interesting, i understand how it could get stretched into something like that but ridiculous lmao. its silly because a bunch of people have been doing stupid s__t bc of the whole sauce thing
i hope all is good for your friends! its really unfortunate that happened.
ive been sick all weekend
tumblr is a wild place lol

Rick and Morty fans are weird enough as is, but it seems to have been started by people who dislike the fans and wanted more reason to dislike them lol

ugh god, everyone just has to kill it for each other.
i liked rick and morty before it was cool!!111!

can't ya'll just leave each other alone

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ugh god, everyone just has to kill it for each other.
i liked rick and morty before it was cool!!111!

can't ya'll just leave each other alone
I have read articles about bad things happening causing people to get hurt or even killed and the mean spirited trolls poke fun at the victim's family or whatnot. I'm sorry that your friend was stabbed and hurt in such a mean way. I want you to know that you should focus on your RL and don't let the internet haters and nasty trolls hurt you or your family members. I know it hurts your feelings but at the end of the day you have a choice to close your computer or respond to the ugly tumlr comments.
Wow, I heard this rumour on Twitter. I'm glad I found this thread and know the truth now lol :s
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Everything gets sensationalized. People love a good story. It was just more exciting to believe it was over sauce than over a disgruntled former employee. One is more common than the other. People tend to believe what they want to believe, then group think makes that belief strong.
this social media generation smh...

and yeah i agree with visibleghost there.. like bruh why do you even do that and then do stupid tumblr rumours.. wtf
I'm sorry your friend got stabbed. The internet will take literally everything out of context and switch and twist it to match their agenda, sorry that it hit so close to home for you. People are rude, and should leave stuff ALONE.
rick and morty fans can be really annoying & weird but i don't know what went through this person's mind to make up something like this, just because they dislike the community?
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I'm glad your friend is alright. I've seen that on tumblr too, they were saying that someone who was dressed up as one of the characters (I don't know who, I don't watch R&M) had stabbed someone over that sauce. Well, now at least we actually have an idea of what happened. I wouldn't be surprised if someone did get hurt over that sauce though. People get killed over TVs and whatever else during Black Friday.
I'm sorry that happened to your friend, and I'm glad he's ok!
I can't stand people on the Internet sometimes.:mad: Keep in mind that I don't hold those feelings towards people on this site, but I literally cannot stand the types you described, and I'm familiar with them even though I don't use Tumblr.
i heard this story too, it was on the comment sections on youtube (of course a szechuan sauce riot video) im glad its not real but its obviously already had an impact to make a pretty bad fanbase look even worse. but its not uncommon for a website like tumblr to do something like this
I told he and his wife about it today, and they both got a kick out of it lol
He's totally fine, just high on pain killers lol

I always see rumors on the internet get blown way out of proportion, but it's just really weird/different when it's related to something personal lol
Oh man I saw that going all around on tumblr, found out pretty quickly the rumor was fake when someone posted a source and everything.
Sorry to hear about your friend, I'm glad he's okay!
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That's horrible, I hope your friend is alright.

Rumours easily spread on the internet and grow into bigger problems, sadly....
god, that's crazy. i'm glad he's alright though.
i heard something or another about this. i think people just heard "rick and morty sauce riots at mcdonalds" and "manager stabbed at local mcdonalds" and incorrectly connected the dots and thought they were related when it really wasn't.
the internet's crazy. at least they found it amusing!