my gate is open

Hey, I really need some new fruit. My gate will be open as soon as someone inboxes me or responds to me. I have cherries!

FC: 3051-2018-9507
Town Name: PARADiSE
PRiNCESS09 said:
Hey, I really need some new fruit. My gate will be open as soon as someone inboxes me or responds to me. I have cherries!

FC: 3051-2018-9507
Town Name: PARADiSE
make ur own thread

squishystar ill come
squishy, I'm back so if your gate's open, I'll come to your town. Unless you wanna come to my town or go somewhere else.
i still have to the items.
i will post a new topic to be fair
so watch for it and i will add the first people who respnd.

btw do u guys know how many people to a town?????