My idea for a future update/HHD crossover


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
Blue Christmas Stocking
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Crystal Tree
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Froggy Snowman
I'm sure we all have villagers whose interiors we hate(my current one is Merry). I got her to replace a table and trying to replace a chair but there's nothing I can do about the floor and wall. This got me wishing they would make it so we could change the villagers interiors which got me thinking about happy home designer. So it would be cool if they bring back Lottie and we could work part time for her like we did at the roost and use that to fix villager interiors. I know it won't happen but it would be a fun crossover imo.
I had thought about this too. It would be interesting if there was a version of Happy Home Designer for New Horizons which lets you alter the interiors of your existing save, for sure. It's certainly plausible they could do this, but they would definitely need to add a lot more furniture before this could fully be realized. Given the game seems to have a lot of undefined entities at this time, here's hoping they are being filled with more interior furniture for such a concept...
I'm all for this idea, I have so many wallpapers and things that look nice, that just sit in my storage doing nothing (really should get into making sets at Harvs).

And yeah I have houses I hate.... the starting 3 who refuse to upgrade...
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Love it!! I have been dreaming of this feature as well. It would also probably help people who try not to gift their villagers certain things as to not "mess up" their houses.
Yea I have Flo in her starter house and would love to change her house.It would be nice to have the ability to change the exterior and interior of their houses. I know you get nook miles based on how often you change your exterior. This probably won’t happen but maybe they can make changing villagers houses something you unlock. Lottie comes and works at RS allowing you to change your villagers houses after you change your own exterior a certain amount of times.
This! There are so many nice penguins, but their houses are all the ice sets. I get why they chose that ( they are penguins). I would love if I could change the insides enough.
This! There are so many nice penguins, but their houses are all the ice sets. I get why they chose that ( they are penguins). I would love if I could change the insides enough.
you just gave me another idea, the exterior of the penguin houses should be igloos! that would be cool
I can see why some people feel that too much control would destroy the spirit of the game.....but also I would LOVE to give Antonio a house that isn’t a giant blank white wooden box. Why, Nintendo? Why are his walls identical to his floor?
I would love this! Even better if we can customize the exterior as well.

Maybe they can bring back doors and windows for custom wallpapers, too.
Even if they just allow us to gift wallpaper/flooring i'd be so happy, but this would be totally awesome. Maybe some villagers aren't interested while some are?
The pain I felt when I accidently gifted Julia with a black bass and she put that disgraceful fish on display? ugh...

What I wouldn't give to be able to design their homes, especially the outsides to better fit the theme of your island (because Imma be real Apple's bright pink house is kind of an eyesore for my gothic island plans)
I'd be really happy if this came to the game, there are so many villagers that I really like but their house interiors just doesn't match them. Also a couple of the villagers I've had the longest have very cluttered interiors at the moment with some odd items that they've asked to buy off me (Judy currently has a toolbox and a chalkboard that is on the 'club activities' diagram but to me it looks like she's planning matches for a sports fixture). Its really hard trying to give them items I think will look good in their homes and getting them to get rid off the right item so having control over the interior would be great and getting to use some very nice wallpaper/flooring I have in storage would be good.
It would be really cool if you could import a villager’s house into Photopia. Then, you could change it with your catalog items. Harvey would charge you a small renovation fee and your villager would have a new interior the next day!
This is a great idea and I would love to see something like this as well. I think the more the game leans into customization in the future, the better it will be for it.
Personally I'm not a fan of this idea.
It makes the villagers even more of dolls than they currently are.

I would however like to be able to visit their house and question some of their decorating choices.
"Hey buddy that's a really nice shirt but maybe it shouldn't be your centre piece?" And then it would be up to them if they want to take it on board or not.
i'd love to change villager's houses, inside and outside
i hate a lot of the houses in this game because most of them aren't even proper houses or don't fit the character like eunice or eugene
why does eugene actually live in an office???

but yeah, houses in this game are pretty weird and villagers are basically programmed to like u and agree with everything u say so u could insult their house and they'd be like "yeah same, let's change it"
I actually think about this a lot. I'd love if we could fix the villagers interiors and exteriors, but also the exteriors of other buildings as well like the airport, sable's, museum, etc. I feel like it'd be a great way to make each island super unique but I know it's super unlikely.