My issues with "Best Friend" villagers


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2020
Okay I know this may seem strange but you know when you have villagers on your island for so long and you considered them your favorites and they become your best friend? I have some issues with them because I now understand how annoying it can get when you have your villagers for so long they seem to always want to give you stuff back to back. Weather its from talking to them if they call your name or you look into your maibox and you find that you have so many letters from your villagers that are nothing but clothes and furniture you don't need.

I know this is something that wouldn't bother me if I was playing the game and still in the early stages of making my island but the issue is that after a very long while when you collected so much furniture your villagers just seem to keep giving you the same items over and over again. All you get from villagers whenever you are "best friends" with them they would always give you clothing and furniture that you DO NOT need. I mean is it so hard to have more variety of gifting? I mean you would think that we would get different rewards. I remember at rare times if you give villagers items they would sometimes give you bells. Now sure it wasn't enough but AT LEAST you felt you got something that was worth it nowadays you don't see that anymore. Whats worse is that when your villager is thinking and they ask "is it true you were looking for (insert whatever item)" then they force it on you. I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me and I get so annoyed I hit my villager with a net just to show how this bothers me!

Whats even more frustrating is that when you're trying to kick a villager you don't like out with time traveling they always get in the way when the thought bubble is on them and it turns into another change nickname, asking if you want a gift, and of course changing their catchphrase. You would not want that and whats even more bothersome is that if a villager calls your name is disrupts the chances of a thought bubble appearing on a villager you want to move out. This is the reason why I bought amiibo cards to deal with issues like this

My point is that having "best friend" villagers while it may seem cool at first it can get bothersome when all they are doing is just gifting you stuff that you don't need and constantly asking you about changing their catchpharse or nickname. I can see why people let villagers go and restart the friendship. I hope I'm not the only one that feels this way.
Well, even after all this time I still need things so yeah, I do need each and every gift they give me. I prefer them giving furniture/clothes instead of bells, because well you can sell and get bells anyways, so a chance of getting new things is cool. It's a non-issue for me.
One of the many reasons I only interact with villagers in an effort to get their photo. Once that goal has been achieved, I go into ignore mode until they're ready to move away.
I mean, the more things you have, the lower the chances that a villager (and also both shops and the nook shopping app) will have something for you that you "need"/don't have.

It's a simple case of understanding probabilities and also, that villagers aren't there to help you finish your collection.
All of mine constantly dump shirts on me, but now I just shut the game down.

Why have an option when they ask if you were looking for this item, and you select NO, do they force it upon you reguardless?

Dear Nintendo.

When someone says NO, they mean NO.
There's a name for forcing something on someone who has said NO. :-/
...I mean just sell things? Or put them in a trash can if you don't want them? Like, I don't see how this is worthy of such disgusting, hyperbolic comparisons or hitting with a net. I've been noticing an uptick in bubbles lately, but it never would have occurred to me to get so angry about being given a present even if it's not something I particularly wanted.
I do wish that they'd gift you something not yet in your catalogue. That would be amazing! I still need a bunch of clothing items, but I'm basically 100% complete on furniture items. It does annoy me when they say "oh you needed this thing right?" And I click the no option, and they still give it. I wish the no option would mean they would 't give it to me anymore.
I do wish that they'd gift you something not yet in your catalogue. That would be amazing! I still need a bunch of clothing items, but I'm basically 100% complete on furniture items. It does annoy me when they say "oh you needed this thing right?" And I click the no option, and they still give it. I wish the no option would mean they would 't give it to me anymore.
Yeah, I haven't figured out why we're even given options yet, but I've tested most of them out.
When a villager is crafting, doesn't seem to matter what option you pick when they say 'oh you know how to make it already?'
Like you mentioned, with gifts, it looks like they're giving you the item whether you want it or not.
With Wisp, you can select not to give him his spirit pieces back, but all it does is lead you in a circle until you have to give them to him anyways.

If anyone knows why we're given options (and hopefully it's not actually just to make the game seem deeper than it really is) then please let me know. It's been bothering me for a while now...
Yeah, I haven't figured out why we're even given options yet, but I've tested most of them out.
When a villager is crafting, doesn't seem to matter what option you pick when they say 'oh you know how to make it already?'
Like you mentioned, with gifts, it looks like they're giving you the item whether you want it or not.
With Wisp, you can select not to give him his spirit pieces back, but all it does is lead you in a circle until you have to give them to him anyways.

If anyone knows why we're given options (and hopefully it's not actually just to make the game seem deeper than it really is) then please let me know. It's been bothering me for a while now...
It's just a simple/cute/traditional way of giving you something, it happens in a lot of videogames and the like.

Giving duplicate DIY is a way to incentivize trading, between different islands and on your own island. The same principle kind of applies for the clothing/furniture. The game was also advertised as a whole family playing together on the same island, so it's easy to see that the devs added all these options so for example, a father receives an extra DIY at night from a crafting islander and leaves/gifts it to his daughter who wasn't playing at that time.

That thought overrides the "annoyingness" of having an extra item you may not care about, especially because this game features two very easy ways of getting rid of things. Isabelle literally tells you that Nook's Cranny buys almost everything on the game and the newly added function of the trash cans serves a similar purpose.
I find it funny that the Nooklings won't buy fake paintings, given that pretty much all art you find in normal stores is fake lol. They treat it like a piece of trash rather than something you can still decorate with 😂

Not a rant, just thought that was funny.

Edit: Wooops, I accidentally thought this was the rant thread, never mind hahaha
I don’t really find it a problem when my villagers give me random things even if I have them anyway. Like other people in the thread have said I can just sell what I don’t want for bells. And it makes me feel like the villagers are thinking about me. I guess it could get frustrating if you’re wanting one of the villagers to move out and you see the thought bubbles but it’s only them giving you a shirt or something. My problem is that the pictures seem so difficult to get, and that’s the gift from my villagers I really want. Although for some of them once I get their picture I’m still going to keep them like Lucky and Puddles. Other villagers though I think I’ll let go. Idk I feel like the gifting mechanisms are kind of strange, and like others have said I don’t necessarily want the duplicate DIYs, especially because we can’t put them into our inventory so they just sit on the ground if you don’t get rid of them
I don’t really mind. Most of the time I ignore my villagers anyways. If they try to gift me or sell, I say no. If they give it anyways, I just sell it :)
Meh, this doesn’t bother me. I can easily just sell whatever they give me, which is exactly what I do. Keep in mind villagers are not rich; they’re not gonna give you a grand piano or something. A small piece of furniture or clothing is more realistic in terms of a gift, and if it’s something I already have, to Nook’s it goes.
I do wish that they'd gift you something not yet in your catalogue. That would be amazing! I still need a bunch of clothing items, but I'm basically 100% complete on furniture items. It does annoy me when they say "oh you needed this thing right?" And I click the no option, and they still give it. I wish the no option would mean they would 't give it to me anymore.
The problem is that the 'no' option is kind of ambiguous depending on the personality. Sometimes they'll be straightforward like 'I got you a thing', but other times they'll be like 'hey you wanted this right?' and both options are different variations of saying 'no'. They likely didn't want kids to get confused and pick the wrong option and get upset that they missed out on an item.
hm this doesn't really bother me to be honest. I don't think it's something you can avoid unless you stop talking to villagers altogether.

It was fun to receive so many gifts at first, but now that my catalog is nearly done, I just chuck what I don't need at Nook's. I do receive the occasional real/fake artwork in the mail, so that's fun because I can try to find ways to use it around my island since my art exhibit is complete.

for the thought bubble, I read a quick method somewhere on how to test whether it's a "I want to move out" bubble or a "catchphrase" bubble. If a villager has a thought bubble, you just enter and then exit a building. If that villager no longer has the bubble, then they were just gonna ask for a catchphrase/greeting change etc. But they still have it, then they wanna move out.

Regardless, I think it's just a matter of getting used to these little features 0: maybe take a break if it's really getting on your nerves
Huh, I actually love that they do that! It's always so rewarding to have villagers ACTUALLY become your friends. It's nice to have something to show for all the times I sent letters or visited their house.
i honestly don’t really mind this at all - sure, maybe it’s a bit annoying if i’m trying to do something but since i’m still in the process of expanding my catalog (the clothing part of it, at least aha), i’m definitely not opposed to my villagers gifting me stuff, since it helps me out sometimes. :)
It's just a simple/cute/traditional way of giving you something, it happens in a lot of videogames and the like.

Giving duplicate DIY is a way to incentivize trading, between different islands and on your own island. The same principle kind of applies for the clothing/furniture. The game was also advertised as a whole family playing together on the same island, so it's easy to see that the devs added all these options so for example, a father receives an extra DIY at night from a crafting islander and leaves/gifts it to his daughter who wasn't playing at that time.

That thought overrides the "annoyingness" of having an extra item you may not care about, especially because this game features two very easy ways of getting rid of things. Isabelle literally tells you that Nook's Cranny buys almost everything on the game and the newly added function of the trash cans serves a similar purpose.
...I'm not sure if you quoted the wrong post or missed my point. I didn't mention duplicate items at all in mine...

What I said was I'm not sure why we're given options during conversations that lead to the same result. ie. I believe my final example was Wisp, why give me an option not to give his spirit pieces back if all it does is lead me to giving them back?
Or when a villager is crafting...why give me two replies to the 'oh you already know how to make it?' statement if both options lead to the same result.
I can't figure out if there's a purpose behind them, or like I said, it's just 'smokescreen' to make the game seem deeper than it really is.
...I'm not sure if you quoted the wrong post or missed my point. I didn't mention duplicate items at all in mine...

What I said was I'm not sure why we're given options during conversations that lead to the same result. ie. I believe my final example was Wisp, why give me an option not to give his spirit pieces back if all it does is lead me to giving them back?
Or when a villager is crafting...why give me two replies to the 'oh you already know how to make it?' statement if both options lead to the same result.
I can't figure out if there's a purpose behind them, or like I said, it's just 'smokescreen' to make the game seem deeper than it really is.
You asked why the game gave you options, I tried my best to explain why. It's not a smokescreen or whatever, it's just a way to give you something. That's the purpose. The same applies for Wisp, you already accepted to help it and by talking with it again, it means you're going to return the spirits. Saying "no" afterwards is just there to be a "playful" option, Wisp will keep asking to go along until you concede.

Here is the TV Tropes that explains this trope in detail and with tons of examples. I think it has already listed NH there!
I really wish they give me stuff that's not in my catalog yet. I can appreciate those gifts instead.

Anyway, I just send them all to the garbage bin where they belong.