My Nintendo Physical games


Cat King
Dec 26, 2013
Flower Glow Wand
Cherry (Fruit)
Pikachu Easter Egg
Pumpkin Cupcake
Ancient Candle
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Yellow Candy
I didn't see anything on the site about it, but is there any way to register physical copies of a game (like will they have My Nintendo Codes, similar to how past games had Club Nintendo Codes), as I prefer my games to be physical (and I don't want to buy another SD card, the one included with the original XL is fine as of right now)
Right now they don't have anything like that for the new rewards program. They seem to be promoting digital purchases for the gold coins so adding codes for future physical copies would seem contradicting. There was something about digital codes being sent out via email from time to time containing redeemable codes for points on My Nintendo though.
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No one can say what will happen for sure, but I have a feeling it will remain digital only. It's much easier for Nintendo as a whole to do it that way, and to be honest like it or not games are leaning more and more towards phasing out physical games as a whole.

I have mixed feelings about this as I don't mind digital copies as I can get them faster and don't have to cart tons of games around me as they stay on my system. A few games I have to buy physical copies of (namely Pokemon) so I'll still be sad to see physical games go for good.
My 'problem' with digital games (at least on Console, PC is fine in my eyes) is that they generally cost more in the long run (in regard to download 'retail games', the smaller games I'm fine with downloading), as not only do you buy the game, you will likely have to buy a couple more SD cards as well as having a stable internet. Whereas with physical, you buy the disk/cart and it runs fine, no additional 'peripherals' required.
My 'problem' with digital games (at least on Console, PC is fine in my eyes) is that they generally cost more in the long run (in regard to download 'retail games', the smaller games I'm fine with downloading), as not only do you buy the game, you will likely have to buy a couple more SD cards as well as having a stable internet. Whereas with physical, you buy the disk/cart and it runs fine, no additional 'peripherals' required.

I managed to get an SD card for cheap when upgrading from the ones the 3DS comes with as they really don't give you a large enough one for digital games. I waited until there was a sale and grabbed a 32GB one of the same name as the ones the 3DS comes with for about $7. Really wasn't a big deal. I easily have as many physical games as digital and I'm nowhere near filling a 32GB SD card. 16GB would honestly probably be plenty unless you plan on buying out the entire eShop lol.

It's up to you though. If you really are that much against digital then just don't buy any digital games it's as simple as that. :) Hard to say how much longer you'll be able to buy physical copies though... :/
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Yeah, my 32 GB SD card was pretty cheap for my 3DS. I'm not sure about the N3DS though since it's different. I've downloaded some digital games just because I don't want to carry around my game cartridges all the time, but price wise the retail copies are usually cheaper. Especially since I get coupons and price cuts on used games at GameStop I could be saving a fair amount of money on certain games. I guess it is possible for them to add future My Nintendo codes to physical games considering that they rewarded both physical and digital purchasers for Club Nintendo.