My old switch is broken, Tom Nook can't find my backup save data, and Nintendo customer support said they can't help. What should I do? :(


Junior Member
Feb 24, 2025
My old switch is broken (beyond repair according to all the repair shops I took it to) and I got a new switch and held the "-" button to restore island data but Tom Nook keeps saying he can't find anything, even though I'm 100% sure I did backup my island. I've tried contacting Nintendo customer support (the European one since I'm from the UK) and they said my island can't be transferred but didn't go into details as to why. Did I give them the wrong information maybe? Or are they just unwilling to help?

I'm honestly so incredibly pissed off at Nintendo right now. I'll never understand how they thought it was good idea to make transferring your island so needlessly complicated when they could have just used the online save data cloud like any other game.

I'm starting to run out of options to save my island and if I do end up losing it, I'll be heartbroken and devastated :( I've been working on it for 5 years, I love my island and all of my villagers, and have absolutely no desire to start all over again with a new island.

I'm in desperate need of some good advice. Please don't give me tips on fixing my old switch though because believe me I have tried everything. I'm so stressed out right now, this is an AC player's worst nightmare :(
first of all, i'm really sorry that happened to you! that's my nightmare with acnh and pocket camp complete since they're not saved onto the cloud.

i'm assumming you do have a nintendo online subscription? has your subscription ever been paused or canceled? i remember there was a user with an issue because their subscription had ended but they restarted it later because they delete data for subs that have ended after some months, i could be wrong though. this might not be helpful but i have heard of people being told no by one customer service rep and having success with another rep, so maybe call on a different day at a different time? and keep trying until you get a sympathetic rep. be reallyyyy nice so they'll be might be more inclined to help you and act like it's your first time calling so they don't automatically dismiss you. don't disparage the previous reps for being unhelpful because they might be friends. if they do keep saying no, ask them what the issue is specifically so you can look up advice for that specific issue. i'm sorry i don't have good advice!
first of all, i'm really sorry that happened to you! that's my nightmare with acnh and pocket camp complete since they're not saved onto the cloud.

i'm assumming you do have a nintendo online subscription? has your subscription ever been paused or canceled? i remember there was a user with an issue because their subscription had ended but they restarted it later because they delete data for subs that have ended after some months, i could be wrong though. this might not be helpful but i have heard of people being told no by one customer service rep and having success with another rep, so maybe call on a different day at a different time? and keep trying until you get a sympathetic rep. be reallyyyy nice so they'll be might be more inclined to help you and act like it's your first time calling so they don't automatically dismiss you. don't disparage the previous reps for being unhelpful because they might be friends. if they do keep saying no, ask them what the issue is specifically so you can look up advice for that specific issue. i'm sorry i don't have good advice!
I do have a Nintendo online subscription, and it's been paused several times when my monthly fee for it runs out if that's what you mean. I never leave it paused for more than a day or two though and I definitely did have it on when I tried to restore my island with Tom Nook.
Be persistent. From what I can see, it seems that they either don't know how to do their job, or they just don't want to go through the process required. Not sure what it is, but highly unacceptable either way. Here's another thread with details on what all went down for somebody else:
this thread gives me so much hope for if the same thing happened to me, great reference for the future! thank you for sharing! op i hope this helps your situation, like this other user, just keep calling!
I'm glad this person got their island back, the process they had to go through sounded like a nightmare though......I also have a problem finding the serial number for my old Switch. I can't find it anywhere on the console itself, the label must have worn away with time. What's worse is that I can't turn it on and find it in the settings and I have no idea where the receipt or the packaging it first arrived in is :( Can Nintendo customer support help me with this?
Be persistent. From what I can see, it seems that they either don't know how to do their job, or they just don't want to go through the process required. Not sure what it is, but highly unacceptable either way. Here's another thread with details on what all went down for somebody else:
I'm glad this person got their island back, the process they had to go through sounded like a nightmare though......I also have a problem finding the serial number for my old Switch. I can't find it anywhere on the console itself, the label must have worn away with time. What's worse is that I can't turn it on and find it in the settings and I have no idea where the receipt or the packaging it first arrived in is :( Can Nintendo customer support help me with this?
I honestly have no idea. My guess would be that the serial number helps them find the file in the cloud more directly and a lot easier. But frankly I don't understand how it is that they wouldn't be able to find it from your Nintendo ID. Your account information should honestly be all that you need to get it, so I'm very confused as to what the problem is.
I honestly have no idea. My guess would be that the serial number helps them find the file in the cloud more directly and a lot easier. But frankly I don't understand how it is that they wouldn't be able to find it from your Nintendo ID. Your account information should honestly be all that you need to get it, so I'm very confused as to what the problem is.
Me: Sends an email to Nintendo customer support asking for help finding my primary console's serial number.
Nintendo: Sends an automated response asking for my primary console's serial number

AAAAGHHHH THIS IS A NIGHTMARE. They seem to insist on me giving them the serial number before they help me with anything but how the hell am I supposed to do that when I can't find it and they give me this response when I ask for their help? I do have the serial number for my new switch and I could make that my primary console instead, but I'm assuming if I do that, my old island save data will be gone forever right? Once again Nintendo, why did you have to make this so complicated?! :mad:
Do you have the box of the old Switch? Apparently the serial number is visible there. I’m assuming it can’t turn on at all but if it does it’s in system settings as well.

I’m so sorry for this, really is a nightmare scenario. Nintendo customer support used to be so much better than this tbh.
Yeah, you need to call and talk to them directly. I have a feeling that E-Mail would be a headache.
Me: Sends an email to Nintendo customer support asking for help finding my primary console's serial number.
Nintendo: Sends an automated response asking for my primary console's serial number

AAAAGHHHH THIS IS A NIGHTMARE. They seem to insist on me giving them the serial number before they help me with anything but how the hell am I supposed to do that when I can't find it and they give me this response when I ask for their help? I do have the serial number for my new switch and I could make that my primary console instead, but I'm assuming if I do that, my old island save data will be gone forever right? Once again Nintendo, why did you have to make this so complicated?! :mad:
Second this. I know it might be nerve-wracking to call up someone over the phone compared to email/post, but you need to get an actual person to help you. You're probably not even getting in touch with a person and just some AI bot.
Do you have the box of the old Switch? Apparently the serial number is visible there. I’m assuming it can’t turn on at all but if it does it’s in system settings as well.

I’m so sorry for this, really is a nightmare scenario. Nintendo customer support used to be so much better than this tbh.
My dad threw away the box for my old switch years ago, and yeah the ****ing thing won't turn on at all no matter what I do. It looks like Nintendo customer support is my only hope now :(
Post automatically merged:

Second this. I know it might be nerve-wracking to call up someone over the phone compared to email/post, but you need to get an actual person to help you. You're probably not even getting in touch with a person and just some AI bot.
Your probably right. Not looking forward to doing it though, my social anxiety is so bad.
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