I know this is really off topic, so report me for spam or w/e if you want;
but could you explain the delicious fruit concept?
like how do you get them? And when you plant them do they grow into a tree of delicious fruit, or is only one delicious and the rest normal? Do they re spawn as delicious after x days or?
oh my goodness im so excited.
they just HAD to ship my game on a friday so i wouldn't receive it for 3 BUSINESS days...
save some for me
i got my 3DS FC! add me!
Sometimes on your fruit trees, you'll have a fruit that looks a bit different from the others. This is a delicious fruit and it can be sold for a higher price than normal fruit. Villagers will sometimes ask for them and you can can plant the fruit to grow a tree that will only produce delicious fruit.Whats a delicious fruit? At first I thought you were trying to be funny but then I noticed this is AC:NL Board.
Will you be open in about 15 minutes?
My town is open, but there are three people in it. D:
If someone leaves by then, I will still be open.
okay, and do i have to have all 100 mayor points before i can wifi? the monkey said something with the number 500...
I will have room in my town again soon.