Giveaway My Villagers


Senior Member
May 11, 2013
100% (11) +
I've decided to not play Animal Crossing for awhile, because it has just been causing me frustration these days. I'm just going to go back to another favorite game of mine: Harvest Moon. Maybe I'll come back to Animal Crossing a lot later.
You can reserve my villagers for free and I will message you (and hold them for 1 day) when they move.
First come first serve and as long as they are dreamies.

-Eloise (Someone already reserved her)
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Oh... just check your privat message hope you will be happier after reading it ^^
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That thread was outta hand, lol. My friend may want Cheri, but don't TT her out yet please. Her name her is ItookYourWaffles.
OMG! I would love to get Francine! She is my last dreamie! I got Chrissy and I want to pair them up...!! ahhh
I saw what was happening in the other thread and thought it was VERY unfair, but you shouldn't give away your great villagers because of that. :(
I can do some campsite resetting after my unwanted villager Moose has moved out and try to find Punchy. It will take a while though because I will be on vacation in Greece very soon.
*also hugs* I'm so sorry! If i ever find any of your dreamies when you're back to animal crossing, you can take them for nothing!

That thread really got out of hand.

All the best! :D
Yeah please don't be too upset because of the other thread! I hope this is not just because of that :(
Are you... Are you kidding?

Listen. You won't believe me, because I was super immature and stupid on the other thread, but losing a dreamie is not a reason to give up on Animal Crossing. To be honest, I can appreciate that you posted first, but she didn't state that. Anyway... I'm not going to argue about the 'fairness' of a giveaway. Moral of this? You shouldn't give up on your dreamies. Look where giving up on them and removing them on your signature got you. There's no need for this childishness and giving up all of your good villagers for...this. I've been waiting just as long as you, as I'm sure many others have too. I almost broke my friggin' laptop in the process of trying to post first. Woops.

I don't want to hurt you any more than you have been. I know losing a dreamie sucks. I've lost a few before. Mainly because I can't afford them, or whatever the situation is. I'm mature, don't doubt that, but I'm not great with selflessness. Honestly, if I wasn't so desperate for Punchy as the next man, I would've given him up. But I was, and he's a dreamie. So I didn't. I don't want you to think any less of me because of it. If you'd have won him as I did, you'd have taken him too... I'm 99.9% sure of that. Don't blame me for being in the difficult situation. Please don't give your villagers away and make me feel guilty about it either. I'm not good with that, either.

If Animal Crossing really means that much to you, deep down that you love Punchy THAT much, you'd keep playing. Keep searching, and wait. If you wait, maybe a little longer, your villagers will come. I wanted Zell for a while and suddenly he just fell into my lap. I now have him reserved. You can't just lose your mind because of one that is easily coming back around soon, I'm sure. I've seen my dreamies go for free all the time and I just don't have room. And you know what I do? I wait. I wait and hope they go to a good a home as I'd give them. Please don't give up on this. You'll regret it.
Oh, just read the other thread, I acquired cancer from reading it - too much nonsense. Well if you're still after Punchy, I'll search him out for you through friends and villager cycling :3 *hugs!!* keep your town, instead of deleted and restarting.

Those people who were talking negative about you, would be somewhat disappointed if they didn't get their dreamie villager due to some silly number game that wasnt resolved fairly. Chin up, and continue ACing!
Yeah I agree the way of choosing the person was stupid and unfair, and people were rude, but don't let it get to you :) <3
After all you have Punchy now ^----^ Sure you will give him a good home :3
That other thread was stupid, but I heard you have Punchy now, so I hope you don't give up just because of a silly internet argument.
Francine or Coco would be AMAZING! I would really appreciate one of those two!