My Working Title Story


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2004
Throwback Tickets
Im currently working on a story and desided to post chapter 1 (all I have so far). Its not much. But I hope you like it:

In the year 2X67 was a young 13-year old boy named X-76843, during that time people were not nessicerally named, but numbered in a code that only the Monarchy knew. Most people who knew X-76843 just called him "Ex" almost all people had nicknames in that era seeing as how hard it was to keep track of someone with nothing but a letter followed by numbers for a name. Ex lived on a small carbon farm in the middle of Clyto Town, Clyto Town was a small town in the A-17 region filled with exotic plants and animals, while Ex wasn
here is chapter 2 and a corrected chapter 1:

Chapter 1

In the year 2X67 was a young 13-year old boy named X-76843, during that time people were not necessarily named, but numbered in a code that only the Monarchy knew. Most people who knew X-76843 just called him "Ex" almost all people had nicknames in that era seeing as how hard it was to keep track of someone with nothing but a letter followed by numbers for a name. Ex lived on a small carbon farm in the middle of Clyto Town, Clyto Town was a small town in the A-17 region filled with exotic plants and animals, while Ex wasn
That was pretty good, JJ, although I do have some comments. Grammar needs to be worked on a bit, and try to have bigger chapters. Also, a more engaging story.
Bulerias said:
That was pretty good, JJ, although I do have some comments. Grammar needs to be worked on a bit, and try to have bigger chapters. Also, a more engaging story.
indeed, it will get better further through the story
JJRamone2 said:
Bulerias said:
That was pretty good, JJ, although I do have some comments. Grammar needs to be worked on a bit, and try to have bigger chapters. Also, a more engaging story.
indeed, it will get better further through the story
I look forward to it.
